
Is anyone else sick of how CM Punk wins all of his matches? WQ included?

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It seems that in every one of CM Punk's matches as of late; he gets beaten up by his opponents almost as if it is a crush match and only mounts a few short comebacks. He then continues to get the h**l beaten out of him and things look bleak for him... but, his opponent makes a small mistake that he takes advantage of and hits the GTS.


That is getting really old. He needs to be able to make the match look more even and not like a crush match so his end-of-the-match comebacks look more plausible. He also needs to start using the anaconda vice more because his one shot wonder the GTS leads to very boring and predictable endings.

WQ: Who do you think will win at Unforgiven in HBK and Y2J's match?




  1. i pray hbk will win amen

  2. have you ever seen a triple h match? he gets beat up for the entire match, but then lands some punches. the facebuster, a high knee, a spinebuster, and the pedigree. 1...2...3. game over. thats how he's wrestled as a face for a long time.

    the problem is that the wwe is so limiting that this is all the wrestlers can do. i'd love to see a more even match, but the wwe's style doesn't allow it, especially with the time constraints.

    they're building up the gts so of course its going to finish off matches. that's what finishers should do.

  3. Newsflash: that's just about how every face wins his match in the WWE. It's the standard face-heel formula, heel dominates for most for most of the match, face comes back at the end, then the hot finish. I've seen wrestlers from Triple H to Shawn Michaels to Funaki wrestle the same formula of match. Especially when you only have an average of ten minutes for a match like in the WWE, you're going to get the heel dominating for a long period before the face comes back.

    EDIT: Yes, because again, that's the normal style WWE wrestlers work. It's quick and easy storytelling, the face gets beaten up by the loathed heel, but he comes back to the delight of the fans, and then the finish. And with so little time to work a match, faces only get enough time to hit their signatures. It's rare you'll find anything that strays from that formula, and when it does, it's because they've actually gotten time to wrestle a strong match. If Punk was given twenty-thirty minutes against a guy like Shawn Michaels or Chris Jericho, then you'll probably see a more even match, and still there will be a star dominating for a decent sized period before the other one comes back. That's just the way it works.

  4. This is basically the same as Hulk Hogan's strategy from the 80s the superhero comebacks.  I think Punk should be allowed to show off his offensive talent in pro wrestling.

    WQ: I think HBK will win

  5. Finally someone who agrees with me about CM Punk! I hate it when a guy gets beat up for an entire match and pulls it out in the end. It's so stupid.

    I want Jericho to win the match, but I'm pretty sure HBK is going to.

  6. It's been like that since the 80's to tell you the truth, and it will be like that forever.

    The faces are meant to get dominated through most of the match and then in the end, they hit a few signature moves and get the pinfall or submission. What would you rather see...a match where Punk destroys his opponents? Then you'll be complaining that he's the next Triple H burying all of his opponents.

    I see what you mean in a sense. It's because on Raw, matches are worked to a maximum of 6-7 minutes, so there isn't much time for a back and forth match unless it's a highly rated main event which is rare today.  

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