
Is anyone else sick of people using there cell phones and driving?

by  |  earlier

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some stupid teenager was talking on her cellphone and almost crashed into us when she wasnt paying attention trying to change lanes and going 100 miles per hour im pregnant and i dont want ot lose my baby b.c some stupid ho cant hang up her phone and drive.




  1. Yeah those people are retarded thinking they are important because they have a phone.  I do not understand why they can't just use it like a speaker, connect those ear piece things, or just go bluetooth.

    But i don't think that's the main problem.  I drive with one hand and usually only use my left for signaling.  Basically I have one hand free.

    The problem is that they are given license to begin with.  And cellphones aren't the only problem, you have people eating take out food and holding a map as well.  

  2. sure but what can you do. put a cell phone cop in every car. we need personal responsibility again<<

  3. Ughhh it's a horrible habit! Any time you see someone driving terribly, they're on a cell phone. For goodness sake, if your conversation is really that important either get a bluetooth or pull over!! Why risk your life and put others in danger just so you can talk on the phone?

  4. Yes me too because.............

    Motorists who talked on either handheld or hands-free cell phones drove slightly slower, they are 9 percent slower to hit the brakes, displayed 24 percent more variation in following distance as their attention switched between driving and conversing, were 19 percent slower to resume normal speed after braking and were more likely to crash.

    So stop talking on your cell phone and drive................

  5. same thing happend to us before some stupid teenager hit us a other car came in the way and it got hit............GET FREEKIN BLUETOOTH if you can afford a stupid phone cant you afford blue tooth or are they that stupid or poor...........and spoiled

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