
Is anyone else sick of seeing question asking for advice about illegal drug use in the Alt-med section?

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I thought this page was abut alternative medicine not promoting illegal drug use!

I think this page is already being cheeped by anti alt-med spamers.

I do appreciate that there are some medicinal uses for some illegal drugs but the context of many of these questions has nothing to do with medicine and mostly to do with recreational use.

I regularly contribute to this page but am getting 'over it' as it seems to have less and less to do with advice about alt-med.

What are other peoples thoughts on this?




  1. Lidlfroi, you're barking at the wrong wall. Nobody in here is against peyote or other natural drugs (medicine-drug). It is all about the (ice, ecstasy, speed) questions which is upsetting the Alternative Med. community.

  2. I think I've posted and answered this question about 5 times :P

    Basically, I think that there will always be a large amount of amateur drug users going online to find out information on the topic.

    Since Yahoo answers does not specifically have a section to choose for drug questions, alternative medicine is one of the common choices (which is effectively a consequence of having medical marijuana legalized).

    Truthfully, the flood of people in this predicament will never go away (unless drugs were to be legalized), so simply ignoring the current crop that ask is a waste of time (especially if some are trolls).

    My opinion was that the best option was for YA to make a section specifically for illegal drug use and have it all channeled there BUT they keep on refusing to.  Until then all you really can do is ignore the drug questions, any form of reinforcement is pretty futile unless they develop a special type of system (ie. that scans the question for drug words and immediately has it flagged for evaluation), which is more complicated than I think YA is willing to go for.  I normally do since they tend to get at least 10 responses (and normally a lot more) and hence are pretty hard to get best answer on :P

    I think this whole situation is a good example of the doctrine my friend lives by.

    "Accept what you cannot change, change what you cannot accept."

    I personally just don't let the drug questions register to me anymore.

  3. But marijuana and cocaine are all natural!  So is tobacco!  You must be on the big pharma payroll.

  4. yes, I am.  I agree with you and Lisa.  this does get on my nerves personally and I never answer such questions as I don;'t know much about drug use never having taken any, but I know a heck of a lot on alternative meds and I enjoy sharing my knowledge to help others..sometimes these question are on half the page,

    I wish they would either add a category or people would post under general health category.  I think it is good you brought it up but keep staying here to help the people who are in great need of the alternative health we have to give them.

    if someone needs meidcal marijuana for instance and want to know more about related questions that is fine but if they are just using it for these illegal and health harming reason, it is not something that should be here IMO

  5. Yes definitely.

    There are some strange people out there !!!!

  6. It depends what your definition of alt-med is.....for some people that includes illegal drugs they use to self-medicate.  Heaven forbid any of you should ever do anything that stupid (ahem).

    But there are some right idiots on there too!!!!

  7. YES. It seems Marijuana is the cure for everything according to the ignorant.

  8. They have nowhere else to ask, and I guess this category fits drug related questions most as some people see their drug use an alternative way to enjoy their life. Just because it isn't the norm doesn't mean it is unacceptable.

    I asked a question on peyote for instance which is a natural cacti drug that has been used for many MANY years by natives of the americas, long before the Americans made all their laws against drugs. For this reason the natives are still allowed to use peyote. But instead of constructive answers or a simple "This may be better suited to blahblah section" people say things like "You're a druggie" and "Get a life" in reply to questions on drugs. So of course people will insult you - you've insulted them.

    You cannot judge someone over the internet, its ridiculous, you have no idea the reasons they may choose to take a drug, not all people are kids running around high trashing things. Your lack of experience in things means you don't really have the right to judge those things. I understand that if the question is "How many pills should i take to get completely wasted?!!!!!!!!!!??¬!?2w,r;lewjflkj" you're going to know that it isn't a medicinal use, but otherwise you have no idea.

    It is quite simple, answer, or just don't click on the question in the first place.

  9. Recreational use of drugs have no place in Altmed. That is including the synthetic pharmaceuticals as well. They do about the same damage anyway.

    Some people could argue that hash, marijuana, opium or ephedrine are all natural products. True. Nevertheless on our altmed site, we should talk about them only in the therapeutic ways. How to use them and how much of it to improve the quality of life for the mankind. Full stop.

    The same way the g**s and lesbians have their own site - there should be one for the users of narcotics.

    Every time I put my article under the question of some drug use, I get abused.(idiot, dickmouse, ar*hole etc,etc.....)

    Why should we put up with it? And if I do report it, usually nothing happens. I fully agree with you"Lightning"and maybe-just maybe the yahoo staff will help us by building new site for them.

    PS. Ticolennse, you can't fill the wolf stomach without sacrificing the goat. Stop being so diplomatic.

  10. My opinion is that people need unbiased and honest info on the medicinal implications of illegal drugs (they wont get that from their parents/schools etc) and if they happen to click the wrong question category on here, so what! Simply exercise your right to choose, and don't click on those questions, there...everybody is happy

  11. Yes! I agree. This should be for questions related to alternative health methods, not illegal drugs and those who don't believe in alternative health methods should keep away. Seems logical!

    The best way to stop this invasion of questions about illegal drugs is never to answer questions on them. They are not an alternative to anything.

    Ticolensic -

    Let Yahoo! Answers open a column about drugs, then, if you think that the users need to be informed. What message do you think that would give to users? That it is OK to use them ... Is it our job to give them that impression? Those drugs are illegal and it is not our job to inform about them nor to campaign so that they become legal. Everybody - including the users - should know by now that they are not without dangers. If they want to play ostrich, it's their problem.

    In my opinion, they just misunderstand the word "alternative" and should be told that it has nothing to do with drugs. You get my point?

    Doctrine-Mouse - Way to go!

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