
Is anyone else sick of their baby coming home with somehting every week from daycare?

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He's 4 months old, been in daycare for 10weeks now, had a cut on his head, a cold, double ear infection and today i get a call and he might have conjuctivitus!!! This is suppose to be a great daycare in the area. Can't these providers wash their hands a little more frequently when they are working with infants??? I am so sick of him always being sick!

And I DON'T want to hear all the negative comments about what a bad mother i am for not sitting home on my butt all day taking care of my child!!! Working moms only please answer!!!




  1. The cut on the head better have a great explanation.  What excuses have they given you?  You need to show up unexpectedly to see how they handle things.  

    On a better note, your baby is building up immunity.  But this seems disproportionate.  You need to tell us more on how the daycare provider reacted to your complaints.  If they didn't care or blew up the cut and the sickness then you need to report them and find someone else.  Just because they have a good rep doesn't mean anything.  

    Usually, every state has an online resource rating daycare providers.  See what the state has.  

  2. Well, "sitting home on my butt all day taking care of my child!!!" kind of says it all for me, but to answer your question kids are going to get sick when they're with kids from outside their home. End of story.  

  3. I have just went back to work my sef. My son is now in daycare. (a very close family member has a daycare in her house A great one at that) My son is almost 6months old. (Some moms do not have the choice to stay home, as much as they want to) But for your son being 4months old he should no have cuts on his head. something or someone is not doing their job. I understan th colds. you get that risk everytime your child is around others, but the head thing would bother me.

  4. In an environment that is full of babies and kids, it does not matter how much the adults wash their hands, the fact of the matter is the babies and kids don't and they are the ones spreading the germs.  The up side is that babies who are exposed to germs in a daycare setting have fewer illnesses as children as they have the chance to build up a strong immune system.

  5. It's not always the providers' fault. Kids bring stuff in and leave with it. When I worked at the daycare, I always had something. But I also washed my hands constantly or used sanitizer. I'm sorry your baby is sick so often, but that's pretty common when you send your kid somewhere where there are lots of other kids.

    There are certain things that are very safe and natural that you can give to your baby to strengthen his immunity depending on how old he is.

    I'm sorry, after reading the second answerer's post I realized I meant to ask about the cut. How in the world did that happen? Him getting sick all the time is normal, but the cut doesn't make sense. I'm curious.

    Oh well there's a big difference between a scratch and a cut.

  6. my oldest daughter was like that when she first started at daycare. It lasted about 6 months and it was over. Shes been in daycare for a year 1/2 and has only been sick once after the first 6 months. It will pass.

    Also i feel like that was a rude comment also. I've done both. Too tell you the truth i feel its alot harder to stay at home then it is to put your kids in daycare You never have quiet time or adult time until hubby gets home and the kids are in bed. By then your so exhausted you don't want to do anything but go to bed. At least when your working you have a little bit of time to yourself. I would love to stay home again anyways so i can be with my kids all the time but financial problems won't let me.

  7. my son is 6months and has been in daycare since he was 12weeks.. i swear every other week hes got something new, and his little nose is always running.. they say it gets worst as they get older and start becoming mobile and touching everything...i would tell you to have a talk with the teacher or director about your concerns... see how they react.and in the end you can always choose another daycare

  8. Make sure you check it out first go inside the daycare and see can they can stand to your expectations and if they don't find a family neighbor who can take care of them while your out and about.

  9. I feel your pain! it's hard and i know very frustrating! I havent found a solution to this problem. its not just the colds. its the nicks and bites (my son is a toddler) and all the other stuff that i don't want my son to be around! i hope you find a solution...and if you do, please tell me!

  10. Sometimes there is not a lot that the day care provider can do. They can wash their hands a million times a day with antibacterial soap and children will still give illnesses to one another. It is just part of going to day care that your children will have higher exposure to other illnesses and even the best of day cares will have this problem.

    And just so you know, you don't want working mothers to be put down, but you are putting down SAHM's with your comment. I see you apologized for it, but it's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black. Many SAHM's can afford to stay home with their children and while some do sit on their butt because they can, most others do not. Though your statement "sitting home on my butt all day taking care of my child" is an oxymoron in and of itself because if you're actually taking care of your child, I guarantee you are not sitting on your butt.

    Anyway, the germs at day care suck, but I guess try to think of it as your child is going to have one heck of an immunity system built up. I know....that's really not any comfort and I am sorry your baby is so sick right now. I am sure you do not need the stress of a sick child on top of any stress that work may cause you.

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