
Is anyone else this tall?

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I'm already 5 ft 5in and I'm only 11! Sometimes I feel I feel like a tall freak. So is anyone else this tall? BTW I'm a girl.




  1. im 12 and 5' 6".  

  2. No lol your not alone and this is definitely normal. Some kids simply grow faster... or sooner then other. I'm pretty sure you will slowly stop growing in height soon and come to a complete stop soon. So don't worry there is nothing wrong with you, in fact you should be happy =D.

  3. if u worried check your cortisol levels for gigantism. otherwise walk tall and proud. most would kill to be tall.

  4. If you take notice, this generation is taller than the 60's generation. Might have a little to do with evolution. You're not too tall, and you're not a freak. "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14. According to God, you're just right.

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