
Is anyone else tired of Brett Favre???

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I am sick to death of hearing about Brett and the Packers. Brett made his decision to retire. He has toyed with the idea of retirement for a few seasons now. Why should the Packers take him back? Yes he is a great QB but he is not the whole team. Brett set records, broke records and played a very good game. The fact is HE chose to retire. HE chose to leave his team. What were the Packers suppose to do?? It just seems to me that it is time to let Brett go, he made his decision and he, along with everyone else needs to live with it. So now he will play for the Jets...good for them. Why would Brett leaving deter anyone from still being a Packer fan?




  1. Sickening is the word for it.  I grew up hearing the name "Lombardi" so often that I'm sick of that, too.  These are not men who fought and died on the battlefield, or who presently sit in wheelchairs, paralyzed, because of a great sacrifice for their country; nor do they lie in cemeteries, as those who gave their lives for their country do.  These idiot jocks have  sacrificed nothing, nothing, nothing for the good of others.  NOTHING. They  are just grossly overpaid, cultural heroes with narrcisist complexes and sickening egos.   I am sick to death of all of them  and  the media who promotes them.  Money is what its all about.  I'd be happy to never hear the name of  that stupid cry-baby again. 

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