
Is anyone else tired of politics? Or tired of what it has become?

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I feel like everyday, the cover stories on all the news outlets, are the most insiginificant, unimportant piece of news in recent memory. Then i remember yesterday's headlines and laugh. I'm tired of what politics has become. I was taught that politics is what happens when good people, with great ideas, come together to improve together to lead a nation of people who despite their differences, are fundamentally the same. But these days i just dont see that. And it bothers me more than a little. What's wrong with today?




  1. Most people on both sides have no respect whatsoever for anyone,not even themselves to act and say things that they have done.

  2. I surely am, which won't help much since I am sure Hillery will annouce for 2012 reight after this election.

  3. I have; we have crossed line & elected eachothers choice and now we're stuck with 2 candidates that suck. Romney vs. Hillary would have been ALOT better.

  4. With the exception of the Reagan years, I'm completely exasperated with modern politics.

    The absolute nadir of modern politics must have been the Bush Sr. vs Bill Clinton debates.  Their answers were analyzed, and it was found that each candidate was speaking at a sixth grade level, obviously to pander to an increasingly mentally sluggish audience, and to the jaded modern person who is actually suspicious of intellect.

    Candidates today realize people get elected, not for what they say, but for having the skill to avoid making that one unfortunate gaffe that the vultures in the media will pounce upon.  We never hear real plans from the candidates anymore because anything you say is fodder for attack.  Instead we get two idiots mouthing pointless platitudes about how they are for a strong economy and for family values.  

    Doesn't this make you want to vomit?

  5. I agree as soon as the election is over everything will calm down and we will stop hearing about it so much so dont worry

  6. I tire of politics daily, and then I remember that democracy is tireless.  What may appear insignificant is still part of the process.  Democracy is messy and loud but it's better than any other system.  

  7. Relax. Republicans always get depressed when their party is being steamrolled.

    Look at the bright side...



    ...I'll have to get back to you on that.

  8. i couldnt agree more! i was just saying the other day how they spend so much time trashing each other, and no time at all telling us the positive changes they will make. I hate it. Its like a god d**n popularity contest, and its gotten rediculous. You cant turn on the TV for five mins. without seeing some kind of political slander. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  

  9. Yesterday there was not the internet. There were no Answers. Today politics gets dissected, ripped apart, and reconstructed to fit your own agenda. Aren't we doing well?

  10. Everyone has always been tired of politics once everyone realized how crooked Washington DC is. I would guess this dates way back farther than Abraham Lincoln. However, as a society, we all hope that by being involved or following the stories, that we can either see a positive change one day or even make a positive change somehow.

  11. I get your meaning. The useless political trivia and the Liberal/Democrat hypocrisy does get old after a while.

  12. I was asking myself the same thing the other day...

    Its the media taking over...

    They want the crazy stupid news to cover up the important stuff...

    so yeah the world is consumed by the media in my opinion

    Im so glad to know that someone else out there sees things the way i do...

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