
Is anyone else tired of the lies...?

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that are spread by 9/11 conspiracy theorists?

I dont know about you, but I am tired of their edited "evidence", and their misquotes, and flat out lies.




  1. who's to say its not true? who's to say it is? Only the government knows for sure, citizens don't have that kind of access to information.

  2. If you are too afraid to think for yourself, that's OK. If you prefer to think that 2 Jumbo jets can fly into the worlds greatest city, being known as hijacked, without aircraft scrambled to intercept before they got there, then hit two of our greatest Land Mark buildings, WITH, nobody being held accountable in Government, for letting this happen, let alone everything else that happened on 9-11,then that's your right. But the Hard-Thinkers know better. We know for a fact, that there had to be some inside help, or this could Never Happen! Someone high up in our government, told someone else, that there was going to be an exercise that day, and that they could play this off, because people like you would swallow the lie, and defend it, to the Hilt! So go one little sheep, think what you want, but remember this, some day when it won't matter anymore, someone will spill their guts, and everybody will know the obvious! Sorry, but I love my country too much, not to speak out. We pledge allegiance the Flag, not the Party,or the Man! Remember that!

  3. I know, it's just a big yawn now. Anything and everything in order to discredit Bush. Any lie, small or large. Any tactic. Any policy. Any distortion. It's all the same old same old. No change. Just the standard dodge and weave. Just the same old low blows. A kick to the groin and say Bush did it first. No fairness, no decency. Over and over. Will someone please play the Madeline Kahn as Lily Von Shtupp in Blazing Saddles "I'm so Tired" song.

  4. is that what the US has become? a nation who thinks it's 'unamerican' to question things? then it clearly isn't the land of the free.

  5. Those who disagree with the government are simply being unpatriotic.

    Why haven't people noticed the extreme patriotism among the citizens of countries like China, N. Korea, Myanmar, and the former Soviet Union?

    Now THOSE guys are patriotic.

  6. heres an educated answer, what makes you think that all the conspiracies are in fact lies? its like rumours, and we all know rumours do contain elements of truth,so they cannot be considered as lies!!!!

  7. it seems it is more popular to discredit the government than to admit that these evil people were just that

    the more people buy into the conspiracy theories the stronger the enemies of the US and the west become

    it seems there are many people willing to support terrorists for political reasons ......that is a worry

  8. Wow!  Do some of you guys REALLY believe that the attacks of 911 were a hoax!  Well, there are people out there who believe that the moon landings were a hoax too, and people who believe that the Holocaust never happened.  So I guess nobody should be surprised!Put out any story or theory, and there will be a bunch of people who will believe it.  I was just discussing that with Elvis and Buddy Holly in a bar the other day!  And people believe that they died! Unbelievable!

  9. I wish they would crawl back under their rock, or go back to seeing Elvis everywhere.

  10. Oh my you never tire of this?

    It is the right of every citizen to challenge its government.  Those who would seek to deny that right right are the enemy of the people, and the people are the nation.  They are the rule of law.

    You know who said that?

    I did.

  11. yes yes yes  They are sooo dumb

  12. i agree! i seriously think i should be the pm,i would make us great again, no more bummin benefits, they should clean the parks n streets if there too lazy to find themselves a job, i would increase the money given to disabled ppl, but i would make it harder to cheat the system, i would also give the police more power BUT i would recreate the force, and make it so the laws are harsher on the police in order to avoid them abusing their power, i would also force all ppl to go to school or atleast make them be doing somethin wiith their lives, AND we would not bum america, we would be more independant and for that stronger! anybody fancy following or joining me??? i would also try to help other 3rd world countries try to develop ALSO i could keep the tree huggers happy wif anuva plan i have, muhahahah i wud be great lol

  13. I have not had ONE, count it ONE, "911 Truther" explain to me how a Boeing 757 made of aluminum, plastic and other composites cannot essentially disappear into little bits after smashing into reinforced concreate and steel at several hundred MPH when in 1996 a ValuJet DC9 did the same thing after crashing into WATER!

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