
Is anyone else tired of the olympics being turned into a nationalistic p*ssing competition?

by Guest59006  |  earlier

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Fine, support your country but do you really think that the fact that someone carrying the same passport as you is the best at some obscure athletic pursuit gives you bragging rights? I would hazard a guess that the most vitriolic contributors to this forum are obese TV-watching heart attack victims in waiting, so how about you spend less time beating your chests and more time out exercising yourselves.




  1. I completely agree with you!  I love watching the Olympics and supporting Aus (and other athletes like Phelps who I think are just amazing) but I don't think, for even a second, that it makes me superior to the countries that don't perform as well!  The Olympics were founded on the principles of sportsmanship and co-operation - not winning and losing.

    In reality the countries that lead the medal count are the ones with huge populations (in which, statistically speaking, gives them a better chance of having members of the population with athletic talent) or who (like Aus to some extent) inject ridiculous amounts of funding into sports and training.  Winning a lot of medals doesn't mean that you're country is better than another - it simply means it is larger and/or priotises sport!

    Although the US might be leading in the medal tally (the biased way they count it anyway!) - sportsmanship is certainly something they don't exhibit!

  2. If the Olympics aren't a International Pissing contest, then what the h**l is it?

  3. ha, i totally agree :D

  4. Well, the Olympics IS an international pissing contest, essentially. If not for bragging rights, then for what?

    And I don't have to be in fantastic shape to be proud of my countrymen.

  5. If it's being turned into a nationalistic pissing competition, what was it before?

  6. Bragging rights is a part of all spectator sports. If someone from another country came up to you and told you that your inferior because his country won more medals and you let him get to you, then you lack some serious self esteem.

  7. I totally understand your sentiment and can see how that impression is taken. The reason for the impression of all Olympic athletes being perceived as professionals and separated from the population is due to the fact that the only sports televised are those involving the high profile athletes. The vast majority of athletes at the games have full time jobs are are competing because they love it. Take for example the K4 last night. Aussies racing in the event were not shown on TV as another has been C grade celebrity was interviewing a high profile athlete.  Channel 7 has ruined what is a much anticipated, once in 4 year event.  

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