
Is anyone else tired of this garbage?????

by  |  earlier

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Oil companies and stock speculators...every time someone somewhere in the world sneezes oil prices go up...oil prices go up..gas prices go up...gas prices go up...groceries go up. I for one am about fed up. My wages arent going up as fast as the oil companies execs and stockbrokers wages are going up. Its about time someone stepped up to the plate and stopped this garbage. Any ideas anyone?????




  1. Students will soon be burning down gas stations. Hopefully a college organization like the SDS back in the 60's will form!

  2. A mass boycott until prices go down, but it wouldn't work because people need transportation and food, so not everyone c(w)ould participate.

  3. Ron Paul was the man talking about this months years ago . No one listened . An the media locked him out of the political process . They killed off the only man talking about how to save the US .

  4. It will take all of us to send a message to the oil companies that we are fed up.  We need to reinvent our needs for transportation:

    1) Walk or ride bicycle to store/work

    2) Carpool with co-workers

    3) Utilize community ride-sharing

    4) Utilize public transportation

    5) Buy fuel-efficient motorcycles/economy cars instead of gas-guzzling SUVs to get us around town.

    6) Vacation closer to home

    7) Use to patronize gas stations that have the most reasonable prices.

    8) Think green... reducing your electric bill will help your wallet and the environment.

    The law of supply and demand will restore order to the market.  If we will drastically reduce the demand, prices will drop.

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