
Is anyone else tired....?

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Is anybody else completely fed up with all the Brett Favre coverage like me? I mean come on. I cant watch ESPN for 3 minutes without hearing Brett Favres name. I dont think that him chartering a plane to Green Bay is that big of a deal. They should be talking about Aaron Rodgers and what he's doing to get his team ready for the season.




  1. Yes, it is tiresome.  But, remember that most sports writers are clueless about the mechanics of the game. Other than the ex-players who play little role in what the pencil neck professional editors jump on a story like the Favre matter because their opinion is a well founded as an actual former player.  Gossip is the life's blood of the sports journalist.  It removes them from the exposure of their absence of understanding of the game.  Puts them in a world of words, statistics, and speculation.  There strength.  No stories from the football players on second and third players who look like breakout players for this season.  All accross the NFL.  

  2. Thats what Favre wanted.

  3. i cant wait for another story they drag out of a few months

  4. It's bugging me too.  

  5. grew tired of this the first day he opend his big fat mouth.

    he really is annoying.  


  7. how'd i know you be talking about favre. stop bringing him up and the problem is gone. rodgers is talking, but is stays awaty from the subject. it ted would just get rid of favre, the problem is gone! no i'm not tired. i've answered like 3 or questions referring to tired of hearing about brett favre. it appears to be like you can't get enough of the story since you can't ignore it.

    it's not up to favre about going to the vikings or any other team. HE CAN'T DO THAT UNTIL GOODELL REINSTATES HIM! if this story was related to your qb, you'd be awaiting the decision like us favre fans. we want to see favre do what he wants. he retired....... early, so what. if ted thompson would have dealt with this within the first couple of weeks in july, there'd be less coverage about favre. there'd be more coverage on other teams. imagine yourself retiring from something that you love and have done for the MAJORITY of your life, and then wish to continue to do it because you still can and have that desire to do so. you made a mistake and retired early, big deal. so did favre, big deal. reinstate him and release him!

    just imagine your favorite player doing this. your gonna support him and want whats best for him. you're gonna be listening and watching every little update to see whats gonna happen.

    yes, i understand your point too, abut the media. i'm trying to defend favre though from all these haters. pervis B understands

  8. Its getting a little annoying but the fact of the matter is Bret Favre is a premier player and is going to get the media coverage just like he probably intended.  In my opion he should take the twenty million offered by the Packers to not play and join them in another capacity or the Packers should let him sign with another team.  Go Vikings.

  9. heck yea dude

  10. it is starting too bug me i mean enough is enough everyone  should just get over it and stop worrying about it i mean hes not even that good any more he was good last year but that was the first in like 4 years that hes been good

  11. Yep, Extremely tired! USA wins the gold medal! We'll get you coverage shortly but in other news Brett Favre just threw some passes and took pictures with some kids in Mississippi!!! WHOOPDYFREAKENDOO!!!

  12. I definitely am. I mean, god who wants to hear about him ALL the time. I'm sure if ESPN keeps convering him, their views are going to go down. People want to hear about other players,  not just him. And god, I heard he was switching teams? Cant't he just retire already!

  13. Been tired of it.I sure hope he takes the 20 million and stays in Mississippi

  14. Yes,  It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode called the English Patient.  Elaine keep yelling that it was toooo long.  that is what has happened to this story. Or as another Seinfeld quote says "JUST END IT".

  15. he's one of the greatest QB's ever. If LT was in brett's place you would hear it all over the world

  16. i am this story won't die because it is the off season and nothing else is going on its baseball season and nascar nothing relley to cover so when farve takes a **** espn and nfl network will be there  

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