
Is anyone else totally and utterly fed up with Yahoo360?

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I could handle my avatar vanishing. I could cope with the pages running slow, the apostrophes mysteriously disappearing and the spell checker crashing. Minor irritations I thought, these things will happen.

Now, I have discovered that I'm not getting all the messages that have been sent to my mailbox. What is the point of a blog if you can't get messages? I sent an E-mail to Yahoo and they sent a stock reply that it will not be fixed, and I have to wait for the new system, "sometime in the second half of 2008."

I only found out about the problem by accident. Has anyone else had messages go missing?




  1. Yahoo! is worth every penny I pay for it.

  2. Yes, I was concerned that my dear friend may have been hurt when she didn't receive some of the messages I sent her. She really is quite lovely and I know how baffling it is when someone just stops corresponding.

    So I was very very angry yesterday when I thought that she may have been confused and well, maybe even hurt.

    I had the same happen to me once and I was completely dumbfounded when the other person just disappeared.

    Well, hopefully their new system will be better. I am thinking of moving to another service. I think they have blogs and all of that.

    Good question, Magpie. You seem really smart. You can spell and type and all of that brainy stuff. Mentally magnificent magpie?

    Pica pica!

  3. this is 3rd time Ive answered this question. THIS and other answers keep disappearing off screen before i can send. Also switching between answer pg;s regularly get pg deleted or yahoo on coffee break. have also many times gone to check my answer;s progress and not been able to read any of the 3 to 20 answers but the question is still on line.

    Frank is your PENGUIN A CAMILION in disguise as your Avatar picture seems to regularly change. Looking forward to read more of Magpie's and Frankensteins Penguins answers

  4. im still disappointed that my avatar isn't showing up :-( And today i've noticed that my page is running slow also..haven't discovered missing messages....yet

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