
Is anyone else upset that the GOP is pandering to the "global warming" crowd?

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I am a republican and it disgusts me to see my party pandering to these loons.




  1. Nope


    That's what NASA thinks of global warming, if you are going to claim pseudo science do it in church where it belongs

  3. Global Warming AND illegal immigration crowds, yes.

  4. Does anyone have a tire pressure gauge I can use?  I checked my tire pressure so much I broke mine .

  5. Jesus will come back before we need to worry about anything happening to the earth

  6. I don't know what the "global warming crowd" is supposed to be.

    There are two groups here: those who accept the scientific evidence which holds that global warming is real and man-made, and morons who refuse to accept this evidence but can't explain why.  I can't exactly congratulate the GOP just for coming to grips with reality.

  7. I heard that Al's new yacht uses up many Gallons of fuel that will cause more Global Warming.


  8. It's common sense...why would we be upset about it????????

  9. I suppose we all have to face reality sometime.

  10. The only thing that upsets me is low class people littering and not curbing their dogs!  where do you think all that litter ends up? in the rivers and oceans.  Plus the air stinks=the air is polluted.

  11. So in one breath you accuse GOP of partisanship, but then when we try to address an issue we're pandering.  There is no winning with you friggen libs!  We're all on the same planet and want to clean it up.  You didn't invent environmental awareness!

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