
Is anyone else with me on this?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I how the world is! Animal cruelty, war in iraq, global warming, judgy people that don't care about anything! i especially animal cruelty! it is so mean what they do to dogs, cats, hamsters, and many more! I was just wondering if anyone else is with me and will help me end animal cruelty and to help save our planet!




  1. awww every time i see that animal abuse commercial, it brings tears to my eyes. i dont think we can stop animal abuse because think. people can get away with it and say "my animals got into a fight and im doing everything to heal them up."

    animal abuse is illegel i believe but animal  testing is not! its so sad!!!

    we can try but im not sure how.

  2. I am for stopping animal cruelty all the way, however it would almost be impossible to stop and it said what people do to animals. Also you need to look at it from both sides (I know its hard). One reason why they do animal testing is because a computer can only tell you so much. One way that everyone could stop animal cruelty is by awareness. There are many ways to make people aware of what they are doing however it is hard for them to see the other view. I try to save all the animals and even wild animals that I can.

  3. I'm with you!

  4. You have too much caffeine this morning?  Cruelty will always be, as long as there are humans.  The planet does not need saving.  Domestic animals and pets are property, people can do with their property as they wish.

    You have much to learn about life.  All people lie.  All people judge.  All people stereotype.  Cruelty exist in many forms, but not in Nature.  It is singularly a human trait.  The only way to end cruelty is to end human existence.

  5. Yes, i am with you and you are not alone.

    Like minded people can be found here -

    I am a member of the above two and i contribute what ever i possibly can. You too can. It is a noble deed.

    And just pass the word, we need more and more people like you.

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