
Is anyone else worried that the world is going crazy with natural disasters?

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Cyclone in Myanmar,

Earthquake in China,

Tornados and Fires in the USA.

Whats going on, is this a sign that the end is near? 2012????????




  1. No these things happen all the time.  There are forces greater than that of humans on Earth.  If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time you can get killed.

  2. Its the end of the world! Idk, there will be more than natural disasters, the whole world is gonna go crazy! People don't want to believe and say that there have always been natural disasters but they fail to see that these natural disaters have been happening way too often in the last 2 decades. I was watching the National Geographic Channel and they were saying that the magnitude and frequency of these natural disasters had dramatically increased in the last 2 decades. They said that the most powerful disasters in history have happened in 2 decades. You know thats telling you something.

    I say get ready and try to survive it. Get fit, get canned food and try to survive. There will also be war and people trying to steal your things so have guns as well. Good luck.

  3. the news is get better at reporting it that's all and we not have any thing better to do but set and watched it

  4. yes global warming is most likely going to get just might be to late to to stop.all the top scientists say so....

  5. Well people like to think Global warming is nothing but a theory or wack tale. I believe it, the world is getting warmer each year, each year hurricanes are getting worse, more tornadoes, and other natural disasters.  I wont be surprised that if some point, MA has an earthquake with the route this world is turning.

    Not everyone is for sure knowledge with whats going on, but a lot of people are working on it, to give others a warning. All people really can do is pay attention to the weather forcasts and act on them asap.

    When i was in FL and had all those hurricanes hitting us, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Francis, etc, after a while nobody took action, no one would prepare, and then what had happened? Wilma devastated parts of FL, where i was it took 4 weeks to get power back, some people homes were far from finished, and most had to do with people not believing it would hit or that it wouldn't be strong enough. Well all those hurricanes were printed in the paper (which i have most of) and the results were horrific.

    I wouldn't say im not worried. I love natural disasters, if one killed me then ops lol cant stop the wrath of something we can not control. I get excited when i hear of a hurricane or tornado coming, but all i can say for those who are worried is to just not panic, and just follow procedures to protect yourselves and families during weather catastrophes.

  6. maybe

    but why 2012 exactly??

  7. It's unfortunate but there is no evidence to suggest that the world is ending or that it's Global Warming, if that's what you are getting at...Earthquakes are caused by Plate Tectonics (movement of plates under the earth) which has little to any relevance to temperature, and frequently occur in the West/Pacific, just they aren't on a grand scale that often. (In CA there are baby earthquakes everyday practically but you do not feel them cuz they barely register on the richter scale and are natural movements of the earth.) The (highly publicized) CA wildfires was actually mostly due to Arson, and tornados are common in certain areas of the country, especially flat land areas like the midwest and parts of the south.  Perhaps the biggest exploitation of a tragedy is the LA flood; poor government policies and lack of preparation/stuborness is the reason so many ultimately died, but so many people would rather believe it was due to so called "Global Warming"

    So there are some reasonable explanations for these events. Plus its nature, a force that is stronger than humans and that which we have no control over...

    Its just a sad coincidence these natural disasters happened to come about at the same time or in more recent years, but the media also has put more emphasis on these events as we are all concerned about the Global climate and going "Green"/nature, so even if there was a cyclone in Myanmar, years ago it wouldnt have been connected to events in the us, and to be honest, things should have stayed that way. Thinking in such a global sense is good in the awareness sense but it produces a paranoia which isn't justified.

    So no, I dont think the world is ending, and if it is, well there's nothing you or i can do to stop it (in terns of natural diasters), so why worry.

  8. Many years ago we thought the decline was starting and

    it seems to be continuing at a rapid pace. Its like God is telling us that he is unhappy with us and I have to agree with

    him. Society is pretty d**n sad and people lack common

    sense and a lack of humanity. It is very scary!!!

  9. And what is it that stands out in your disaster fantasy? The puny earthquake in China. In the 1500s nearly 1 million people in China died in an earthquake. The cyclone in Myanmar. In 1970, a half milllion people died in Pakistan during a storm. These storms and global events are all pretty minor in the scope of history. Please don't make them out to be something they are not.

  10. It does seem pretty crazy !! I agree .

    It has me someone trying to get our attention ???

  11. No..WE all gotta go sometime....

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