
Is anyone enjoying the high gas prices?

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I have a small environment friendly car, I am now laughing and p**s on people with big engines, four wheel drives and hummers and big cars. I am not pissing at them and I am laughing my way to the bank.




  1. who does like getting screwed at the gas station?  Ive learned to drive less and walk more,  so that's a good thing,  and i have a Mitsubishi with a 4 Cly,  so instead of filling up every week I'm filling up every 3 week's,

  2. I don't think anyone is enjoying them except maybe the CEO's and stockholders.  

    You can be an *** and laugh at those people with an SUV but if you were in different circumstances you wouldn't.  

    First think of a way to put 5 kids in that little car.  

    Then drive it safely through a snowstorm to get to work everyday.

    Then realize if you don't need the gas hog big car, truck, SUV anymore but your broke and can't afford to replace it because gas prices are eating such a hole in you paycheck every week that you can hardly keep propane in your tank to heat your house.  There are some Luxury models that use as much gas for a car as for a good 4X4.  Get a life and help rather than hurt others.

  3. I am loving it... i am just glad i can afford $92.00 a week... It is really starting to sink in, that nothing anywhere all over this world will ever get better... this is how it must be... i wish i was'nt giving this life!

  4. I ride my bicycle everywhere and "I'm laughing at you on my way to the bank."

  5. As much as I'm suffering even with my fuel efficient car (Have been driving them since the 70's by choice) I DO take comfort in knowing those stupid suv and truck owners are hurting even worse.  If it weren't for the fact that this is driving up the price of everything else - like food - I'd say raise it higher!  Kill this ignorant "bigger is better" trend.

    I find it embarrassing to see so many people driving around in those ridiculous vehicles. For you suv owners who don't think you look stupid, try to imagine everyone on the road driving their own 18 wheeler.  That's how stupid you look.

    Personally, I'd like to see gas rationing.  Not based on your vehicle though.  Everyone should be entitled to the same amount of gas.  It's a limited resource. Just because you have more money doesn't mean you should get to use more gas.

    Driving an suv isn't just a personal preference.  They're putting normal vehicles and pedestrians in danger.They're like a road block on wheels.  Normal vehicles can't see around them. Ever try to back out of a parking spot once an suv parks next to you?  What good are all the advances made in auto safety if a fat *** in an Escalade slams into you and knocks off your head because that's where his bumper lines up?   If you think you safer in one, guess what, you're wrong. I once saw a Honda Civic slam into the side of a Ford Bronco and send it rolling over an embankment.  Good times.

  6. Me too! I bought a 95 honda civic vx last summer.. rated 44-56 mpg. We only fill it once a month.  We are saving over $1000 a year on gas alone. Would be way more if we had longer drives.

    I found the car on craigslist. Flew to AZ for $100 to pick it up.. got it cheap.. only had 50k miles on it. Drove it back to OR for $100, taking the backroads zig zagging thru Cal, NV, Cal again and up the coast. The best part is it drives like a sportscar. We thought about getting a Honda Fit but figured why pay extra for a new vehicle that gets less mileage than the vx?  Maybe in a few years there will be bigger mileage developements. Until then I'm rollin' cheap and lovin' it.

  7. Asking "is anyone enjoying the high gas prices?" is the dumbest thing ever asked.  I thought I was a jackass.  You got me beat!! haha

  8. only the people who have alot of stock or shares in oil or gas...

  9. Don't pretend you're not still paying a fortune for gas, even with a car like that.

    I drive a car like that too.. and I don't act like a b*tch.

  10. Yeah, I also drive a small car. I look at people driving SUVs and I think to myself "burn baby burn!"

  11. good for you John... my husband is happy... he has stock in Exxon Mobil... he worked for Mobil Chemical for many years... and we also have a fuel efficient car, my husband carpools with 3 other people and I work at home, I think your attitude is rude though... I don't know how those people can honestly afford to drive those things, a car is expensive enough to drive, let alone a truck or SUV

  12. I am, especially since I live in a city, and I can travel via moped. Those things get crazy awesome gas mileage. I only use my actual car for trips outside the city.

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