
Is anyone ever going to admit to?

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having multi accounts just to give yourself best answer..only giving best answers to whoever agrees with your view and, thumbing up or down just because of what team people support...having wee vendettas going...more to the point does anyone really care about what is said on here...:-)




  1. I for one care especially comments from me mates. To be honest I do have a spare account just in case due to my irrevernt attitude "Spectre"flies his last misson and crashes & burns

  2. bluebell don't know about you being a mum but i can only manage the i account and i struggle trying to find the time to come on to much hard work teehee as for thumbs down i don't usually do them except when there is some sicko on  

  3. Couldn't manage 2 or 3 !!!  I gave thumbs down when i first came on but now i think i know who's all kidology and who needs treatment !!! Thumbs up for answers i like regardless of what team is supported !!! I bite a lot of the time but that's just me...plenty barneys at protests, and labour party/militants meetings etc...the pen is mightier than the sword !!!  It's a pity Thatcher (spit!) had a muckle claymore ! Can't help myself but trying hard to ignore the winkers.....  May the sun shine on you all ! x*x

    Tears of woe come sunday oh ! x*x

  4. You know my other accounts bluebell......but i have never gave myself best answer......i give best answer to answers that make me laugh or to people i like ( like you )

  5. sorry i've just got the 1

  6. Starting to think it's a good idea this multi thing!!

    no...cant be bothered with the thumbs either it's too easy to work out who does them at times..I am going to start using them though..just gave you one up for the other Q lol...if it's a good point and not spat with hatred like plenty are then I don't care who said it...and now I have decided to use the thumbs facility I will do so accordingly!!

    the wee vendettas going is people who are hurt by other peoples actions on here..personal abuse used to bother me to be honest but I am getting over it...this silly fat smelly taig with 10 kids in a dirty council flea ridden house is not that easily offended any more.

    it's far easier to laugh at their total lack of knowledge than it is to be hurt by their abuse..and that goes for both sides and non old firm fans too

  7. Okay, I will come clean I have 17 accounts, I have never given a best answer to an account that is not my own, I thumb up myself and thumb down everyone else

  8. Like you I have enough trouble with one account never mind multiple ones,I don't know how they do it!!!

    Don't even bother with the thumbs any more,only give the thumbs up if they have made a valid point and it is a good answer,regardless of who they support.If i ask a question though I do give everyone the thumbs up as they have taken the time to answer(even though some of it is c**p lol)

    I doubt they will ever admit it,some of them aren't as bad as they make out and it is all talk just to wind us up,and we bite big time when it comes to some of them as well instead of just ignoring them.

  9. Not guilty of any of these mentioned,but I know i'm well out of line on other things,I hardly ever give a thumbs down.

  10. uch that is all part of the fun on the web,guessin who is married to who here and who they're pumpin, well maybe its jist me that hinks that,rofl,whos holding the account. It is cuz it is FREE to join even wee weans join. Some people eh, I jist dunno. It is all actually highly amusing how grown ups can get so hot and bothered over a game becoz, which this is a Yahooligan game to score points, and obviously to me anyhoo, people must have rigged aw their mates to answer or answer their ain questions to amass such huge sums or else they never leave their laptop or pc and have nae effin life .

    Cuz it personally takes me ages to load ma pc up wi coal in the back and by time I have asked ma 5 questions, am needing  to go lie down as am half blind with the glare aff the screen. I am also an auld yin and ma erse is aw ricketty and square  sat here.

    But there have been some pure stoating questions/ answers, 90% of which are illegal  -sort of sooks me intae it and I need to leave a stupider reply to the original asker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and how dae folk do a lot of exclamation marks anaw, they should lose points for bad grandma .

    It pure makes ma day logging oan in here, I am getten tae know yer typing style and ah feel like I know each and every wan of ye, so roon tae mine the night for pizza and beer? And when ah open ma front door, ah will see your avatar as that is the real you, a cartoon character. I willnae let ye in if ye are real persons with human recognisable features as that would be too scary. No one in here is real tho, urr ye?

  11. am a lazy bam and are not capable of setting up more than one account for this section(that's right I have an other one). Two accounts but the other one is for asking personal questions altho I don't use it hardly any more considering I'm sure that the scottish fitba section wouldn't laugh if I were to ask one. Use to ask stuff about my health, school and reletionships and sometimes I'd kid on to be a yank and wind up the election section with stupid questions that if I asked on this account they would figure out I'm scottish and tell me to get to f**k coz am a scot.


    Does this make me catholic???

  12. YA isnt really that important what do we gain f**k all this is just a place i come in-between everything else !

  13. Are you kidding,half of them ones are still fantasising about their more than one Alter Egos,

      as for the vendettas,(looking the other way whistling) i do not know of any of that

    I actually found out that SP and SAFG are both tied with past links awww i did'nt know they cared tat much about each other.

    and with Chas trying to get them to LOVEBIRDS (slang for males who are attracted to other males in the Raf) together

    it will be more like a Lovers Reunion site

    ps could you have a word with chas

    I would be very grateful


    BN is a very clever woman,for a ger ,not many of them about

  14. t like Alf C and damelinzi there's something going on there like! Very strange!

    But Linzi you look very much alike??

  15. Babe it doesn't work like that.

  16. I have other accounts. I use them mostly for specific groups of people. Like I have one account just for friends and family, I have one for giving out to prospective employers (real help in my job hunt!) and then I have this one. This is the one I use for Y!A; However, On very very rare occasions, I will use one of the other accounts to break a tie. I hate ties. People ask a question, then leave it up to voters to pick BA. If the voters get stuck, I will be happy to help them out and use one of my other accounts to break the tie. I have gotten a few BAs that way, but only a very few!

    Are you happy?  I have admitted to using one of my other accounts to win a vote. (the truth is, I only do that when it is a tie breaker.)

  17. well my friend as you know I got suspended so I had to open another account (mad mick) but it only lasted about 2 days it was during the mad marching season July so I stayed off for a few weeks for personal reasons when I tried logging back on sure didn't I forget the password I thought fek it I couldn't be bothered starting all over again,but thankfully yahoo seen sense and reopened my account which is enough,  

  18. nope, the only time i log out this account is once a week to check my main btyahoo email addy's spam folder in case ive missed mails - the rest go to thunderbird normally.

    the thumbs down crew are only denying people an extra point if their answer is chosen as best.  with over 12,000 points, i really couldnt care less if someone wants to prevent me getting more through petty narrow-mindedness.

    its only a website after all, im not going to lose any sleep over it.  

  19. They think that people who have the top-contributor always has more than one or 2 accounts but its not true. They say that they have more than 2 acconts so they can vote for the own answers or ask's questions and then give themselfs the best answer. I feel it's its not like that cause im a tc and i dont do that. Maybe some do but not all.


  20. Think your starting to take visiting a web-page just a little too seriously now.

  21. everyone think me and damelinzi are the same we aint  

  22. it is hard enough with one account why the f**k they want to have more than one is beyond me don't have any vendettas going and it does not really bother me what is said if u think the person is a t**t u just don't answer any of their questions

  23. I liked Ivan's answer, that dude has it sussed.  I wouldna worry about it bb, I was gonna set up a multi account to answer this question as a joke, but i got half way through and couldna be ersed.  

  24. Cheers for clearing that up ALF C - it's sad having more than one account, i dont see the point really.

    Stop stirring it nhojit

  25. Seriously do you think that they are going to come on here and admit to having them for the reason you state? The funny thing is, i can almost guarantee the ones who do it have respect for one account and then spew there bile with the other..You may think some-one is alright, but deep down they are being a sneaky cuuunt stirring up shite with there other accounts. And of course they will deny it, Midden is one and Brian(he knows who he is) is another who does it, and there are others..

    Now i have 4 accounts on yahoo, this one, a back-up account for E-mails and messenger only, and another because some loser kept on asking questions about me expecting me to answer, but blocks me so i could not answer, how cleaver was that, but i forgot the pass to that one..And another which i will troll about the religion section winding up Christan's, they are a touchy bunch..heehee...and it would not take a rocket scientist to find that one..but i come no-where near here with it, as you would see if you found it..

    But i think every-body knows if i have a problem with any-body in here or have some-thing to say i will say it with this account, if i don't like some-body i will tell you, if i want to start shite i will start it with this one, my history is vast, long before your time..

    As for the thumbs thing, i cannot be arsed with it..As for what gets said in here i could not give a shite..people will lie about them-selfs, you can be who you want, at the end of the day the people who are looking for friends in places like this, have no chance because you cannot trust what any-body says..

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