
Is anyone fed up with these so call Christians...?

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on TBN or other channels who are always asking for money?

Not just asking for money, but ridiculous amounts of money. They always set a price like $75, $750 or $7500! Why can't they just accept what people can give them? Isn't giving supposed to be out of your heart?




  1. i agree with jon > i'm fed up with all christians

    apart from those VERY FEW who keep their silly beliefs out of my life

  2. It's a con and its c**p, but it's psychological too.  If they just say "give what you can give" the average person is going to start thinking about their bills, things they've been looking at or for and in their head they don't believe they can give anything.  Setting a dollar amount to it stops that psychological process because then it mentally leads the audience to think about what other $75 dollar items they've bought recently.  For the average person that's a romantic dinner, a pair of shoes bought on sale...disposable income.  

    Then they start the truly amazing trick...adding zeros to the original amount they announced.  Psychologically this does something too; it creates a "lesser evils" conversation.  Its like when a teenager wants to wear something they know is just slightly outside the bounds of what their parents will allow...first they choose an outfit that is really outrageous, than one that's a little better than the first but still too much, and by the time they get to the one they really wanted their parents are basically begging them to wear it instead of the other choices.  

    Psychologically it's a sound theory and if you know how to play it right you can make an absurd amount of money, and TV Evangelists are masters at the game.

  3. Yes, you have to have a big heart to help pay for these peoples mansions.

  4. Aren't we all?

  5. Yes, I think it's rather embarrassing.  It puts Christians in a bad light.

  6. lol I just finished a rant on this on your other Q....should have saved this part.

  7. Thoughs are not real Christians.  If you are in a religion to make money, you are not in it for the right reason.  Dont get mad at Christians for the actions of others

  8. Yes, I don't believe in religion, but I still think that it is ridiculous! What does "god need with your money? Everyone should know that it is a scam so they can get rich! If you want to help somebody really help them, don't give it to some organization. That's a waste!

  9. I was wondering if you would like to donate to Blah's Church 'O Righteousness?

    For $10,000 we can guarantee your entrance into heaven.

  10. They shouldn't ask for money at set price.

    They should ask for voluntary donations,   either in cash or in kind  (assorted foodstuff &  used clothes which they can give to the poor and needy).

  11. Yes, I am.  They give us all a bad name.

  12. It's more like a con than a business.

  13. Its a business.

    A very profitable business.

  14. Well, they might ask but you don't have to give!

    Really, who donates money to some random televangelist?

    Cheers :-)

  15. I am fed up with all you delusional christains.

    You may have knowledge in that 20 year old brain of your, but is it worth any more than the myths you believe and the h**l of a theocracy you would impose on the rest of us?

  16. I am fed up with all Christians. I have a very Nietzsche like outlook on Christianity. The worst is Joel Osteen.

  17. OMG - TBN is right by where I live. Well, maybe about 25 or 30 miles, but too d**n close for me. Like I said, I live in Texas, and this place is gaudy and ridiculous.

    Yeah - and here are what those "donations" go to... non-profit my a$$.

    Here's another guy who won't go away...

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