
Is anyone getting an amniocentesis?

by Guest56145  |  earlier

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I already have a twelve year old son, and I didn't get an amniocentesis with him. I am almost 4 months pregnant and I am thinking about whether or not I should get one for this baby. I am leaning toward not getting one, simply because I did a bit of research on why it is done, and none of these reasons apply to me. I am not over 35, I do not have any genetic abnormalities in my or my husbands family, Rh is not a factor, there are not any specific conditions in my family, or any of that stuff. Let me know your opinion.




  1. While one of my uncles IS mentally retarded with a brain abnormality, my hub and I have pretty much decided that we do not want the amnio done. More times than not we hear that it can cause more problems than it's worth and we've also come to the conclusion that no matter what, if our baby is born with an abnormality it won't change the fact that it is our baby and we love it. My mother had it done with me because she grew up with her brother being very special needs and didn't want to put her own child through that but no one else in our family did and every baby since has come out perfectly healthy.  

  2. Well...I got one when I was pregnant in my 40's. I wish I didn't . Even though there was a higher chance for issues the chances were still low. For you they are extremely low.

    It was an awful experience for me. Then I worried about losing her!

    If you get one there are possible serious and lethal repercussions.

    Do some more research to ease your mind.

    Good luck!

    You will make the right seem like you have already!

  3. I was over 35, there is a history of DS in my family and I still didn't get one. It wouldn't matter what the outcome I'd of still kept my baby. And as far as preparing for a child with disabilities, it doesn't tell you to what extent the child would be you couldn't really prepare, only worry that you aren't prepared enough. So why bother finding out in the first place? And if I ever get PG again, I wouldn't have it done.

  4. They now can do blood tests rather than amniocentesis. They actually have found a correlation with miscarriages and amniocentesis. My friend had her Quad Test (blood test) come back with a possible positive and went through this debate also. She decided to go through with the amnio. I am not a risk for any of those things either, but I had the Quad test done anyways. It's a personal preference. Either way I would say talk about it with your husband and make sure you know all the risks. Good Luck and Congrats!

  5. i didn't have one because there is a high risk of miscarriage expecially the earlier you get it. but at the end i had no choice, because of preelcapica,and diabetes. they had to test lung function at 36 weeks he was fine and they delivered the next day. he's 2 1/2,and expecting baby #2

  6. I'm in the UK and I was under the impression that you weren't offered one unless you were at a higher risk. The only time I've ever got close to being offered one was when they asked me if I wanted the triple test (a blood test which rates your chances of having a baby with certain defects) - and if you're found high risk they offer you an amniocentesis.

    I had neither because whatever the results could/would be, my reaction would always be the same. I wouldn't abort.

  7. My question to you is this: if you got it done and you find out that you unborn baby has a birth defect or downs syndrome...would you keep it? or abort it? if your going to keep it I would advise against it..there is a slight risk of miscarriage and I don't see the point of it especially if you don't have a family history of these things...I would not risk it...if your baby has a birth defect you will find out sooner or later so just wait till birth and you can test the baby then...good luck and congrats on the pregnancy!!!

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