
Is anyone glad they were never home-schooled?

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Is anyone glad they were never home-schooled?




  1. NO, I wish to GOD I had been.

  2. Why are you asking this on here? Trying to start a fight huh? How bout doing something more intelligent with your time....

  3. Probably; but there are also a lot of people who are glad they were never schooled... considering that most of the people I've met that were mal-adjusted, freaky, scary, illiterate, or just plan pains in the butt were products of public school.

  4. Why are you posting this in the section where there are mostly going to be homeschoolers?

    Actually I've experienced both sides of schooling and I love homeschooling so much better!!!!!!!

  5. I dunno if I can really say that. I was an outcast with very few friends because people felt I was ugly. I had the HARDEST time getting a boyfriend. People up until 8th grade would physically beat up on me and though I was never the first to hit or hurl unkind words, I was always the one to get blamed. I once got kicked from behind, flew down stairs, and hurt my head (without losing conscious, luckily). An eigth grader ( I was in 7th) cared enough to ask if I was alright. Somehow we became friends, wrote each other, and were friends until shortly after she left our high school and lost contact.

    I once had a busted lip. And people would laugh for days on end after those incidence.

    Once, during an in-school eighth grade party, I wounded up going in the wrong part of the pool, and had trouble getting back to the top. The lifeguard brought me out, and people laughed at me and one person mimicked how I was trying to get to the top.

    I guess for me as an individual, it would have been better if I was homeschooled. But then, I was in clubs and on the track team, I would not want to miss those opportunities.

  6. me!!!!!!

  7. Smells like an Internet troll to me...  Don't feed the Troll!

  8. Well I am home-schooled and I love it! I used to go to school and have all those same friends and enjoy haveing the freedom to sleep in and have time to myself!

  9. Nope.  I wish I had been.  It's partly why I work so hard to provide my son with a tailored education that meets his needs.  Poor kid...(by the way, he's glad to be homeschooled.)

  10. How would they know?

    And who in their right mind wouldn't.

    Let's face facts, there's a fridge to raid, a microwave, a bathroom 20 feet away (and you don't have to raise your hand, announce to the class you gotta wee wee and get a hall pass to carry), your choice of where to sit, sofa, easy chair, table, your bed.  There's YOUR computer and you can get on the internet to research without blocking things in place.

    This is why work from home is one of the most sought after jobs and everyone wants one!

    They'd love to make $25,000, $35,000, $45,000 a year at home in their PJs eating a slice of apple pie you just made while you work!

    Imagine, not having to shave for 3 days, not suit and tie to wear.

  11. I am. Everyone I've ever met who was home-schooled has been socially maladjusted. I know there are great home-schoolers out there, but, I guess I've never met one. I think it's important that kids who are home-schooled have one or two classes a day with kids their own age so they can learn how to interact with others.

    There is an argument that regular school isn't challenging enough, which, was true in my case, but, my mother (a 7th grade teacher) always found ways to supplement my school work, so it worked out pretty well for me.

  12. Home schooling means you get the kind of one-on-one attention that would be best for any child's education, but it also means you are subjected to just one point of view year after year, and, let's face it, if your teacher sucks, there's not a lot of chance for a change :o)  There is also the argument of socialization, and if a child is not allowed to sufficiently build up social skills with their peers it can dramatically impact their development.  Kids need exposure and growth not just cognitively, but socially and emotionally as well.  I feel like I was served pretty well in the public sector, especially since I know what having my mom for a teacher would've been like- she volunteered in my Head Start program and I have the video!

  13. Yes. Although I am a homeschooling parent, I am glad I was never homeschooled. My mother was not emotionally stable and we had a horrible relationship. It would have been a nightmare.

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