
Is anyone going to help the people of zimbabwe they?

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have an evil goverment do you think anyone will help if magaffe gets in again




  1. The people of Zim have burnt out all white settlers to their country, and in the process turned the land from the breadbasket of Africa to the poor begging hyperinflation sh1thole it now is.

    They deserve the government they have, to be honest.

  2. In reality, no. Nobody in the world is going to help them unless they have some sort of socioeconomic tie...not the case considering is anybody really had a strong trade relationship with Zimbabwe they probably wouldn't be in the situation they're in now.

    If Mugabe is actually out of the picture, there's two options, both of which are very likely. One is that somebody with the right mind for job will take the government and revamp it to take it out of it's dictatorship (and this is going to be a slow transistion to avoid violence and economic imbalences) or the the next **** head to take over will weild the same kind of mindless, greed driven power.

    Humans will never learn to do anything without some gain in their favor. nor will we discover a way to live in peace for many many years...if ever. it's a terrible thing to have to be this cynical.

    If you're interested in helping in any way, make the problem known. this issue has been on the back burner since the 90's. You could write the president like the repeated attempts of the Darfur movement. The ape in the whitehouse wont do much but snicker and throw a couple of potato chips down his throut but it's worth the effort.

  3. Perpetual motion will help them. No man is bigger than that. The people of Zimbabwe has a very long history since the early days around Punt and Uganda, and even during the establishment of ancient Egypt. Perpetual motion has brought them where they now are. Their causes and effects are sure, and so it is for those of us who watch from afar and update ourselves with the news from one side. Let us see where this will take them. They are a people. The people always survive.


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