
Is anyone going to watch the Republican Convention Tonight?

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I have to say right now i am not sure, if i will be able to watch the repubican tonight, because i don't know what Mccain really stands for, since i never paid that much attention to him before. where i felt he was bashing Obama to much. and not talking about how he is going to fix our countries issues.

Now i know it's my fault to not hearing everything Mccain said about our countries issues. but that was because, i wanted to get away from all the bashing. since i hate seeing americans fight against each other. not when we need to come together to fix our country issues

But after seeing Obama acceptance speech at the democratic covention, i am willing to hear Mccain acceptance speech, but is there anyone else who will be watching the Republican Convention tonight




  1. My bachelor degree is in political science with a focus on American politics.

    Elections fascinate me.  I have worked for and campaigned for democrats as well as republicans (I vote for the person, not the party), and I pay attention to all of it.

    I think both conventions are interesting, and I like hearing what everyone has to say.

  2. I'll catch the lowlights later on the news.

  3. I am. If you don't know what McCain stands for, then you had best watch the Convention to find out. Or else you remain uneducated and in the dark.

    My brother is a Liberal in the dark. He wants Obama for President, but guess what? He never heard of Pastor Jeremiah Wright. Now how much in the dark is that? Do you want to not vote for a man who may be the better candidate because you insist on staying uninformed? I hope you don't decide to do that.

  4. Yes  

  5. No, I don't have enough extra time to waste on propagandists who will say anything to get elected.

  6. No.. its boring as h**l.  And Sarah Palin is unpatriotic .

    Sarah Palin does not pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States. She pledges allegiance to the flag of Alaska. She was part of an Anti-American Alaskan Secessionists group in the 1990's. This lady doesn't even love America, she wants to destroy our union.

    How can we put her a VP one heart beat away from an aging President?

    We cannot have a VP or a potential president who was once a member of a group that wants to vote on removing itself from the United States, with some members openly taking the position that the United States is an illegal occupier of Alaska

  7. If you "don't know what Mccain really stands for", that's the BEST reason to watch.

    And yes, I'll be watching

    @Harry: Ok, now how about presenting the FACTS about what you've mentioned?

    She was an Independent, who belonged to a 'state's rights party" that had some (not all) members who held the idea that Alaska should become it's own country...NOTHING says that Palin ascribed to that idea herself...The party leaders clearly state that the party is NOT secessionist...It was 15 years ago

    "Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.

    "We are a state's rights party," says Clark, a self-employed goldminer. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

    She says "IT'S NOT ACCURATE TO DESCRIBE THE PARTY AS SECESSIONIST" -- "They just want a vote", she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be.

    "My own separate opinion as an individual is that we should be an independent nation," Clark says.

    Others in the AIP "believe that being a commonwealth would be a good avenue to follow."

    Some advocate statehood -- but a fuller statehood than exists now.

    She doesn't know what Palin's position was.

    "It never came up in conversation," Clark recalls

    So basicly, she was an Independent 15 years ago, until she left the party and became a Republican...Many people change parties over their lifetime...In fact, I have noticed many people here in the last 3 days saying that they are switching parties.

  8. No, there will be a baseball game on, which will be much more interesting.

  9. Yes, I will be watching, I watched Obama's speech so I could find out more about him, I want to do the same for McCain.

  10. You betcha.  I watched the Democratic Convention, now I want to hear the other side.  Obama did give a great speech, no details and a lot was from past speeches, but the man can speak and you cannot take that away from him.

    I want to hear what is from the heart of the Republicans and the difference in critical thinking by comparison.

    This should be good!


  11. Absolutely not.

    I have far more better things to do with my time than waste it.

  12. I am really impressed with your open mind, if all Americans could feel this way, we would have a country undivided!

    You show Patriotism, you show Spirit, you show  an unwillingness to condemn, you keep an open mind!

    Maybe America has hope after all!  

  13. I will, let's see

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