
Is anyone going to watch the eclplise tonight?

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Is anyone going to watch the eclplise tonight?




  1. You bet.  I think they're fascinating.

  2. No I'll be watching the Brits.

  3. I would like to, but it's going to be cloudy here and they are predicting freezing rain and sleet, so I will not be able to see it.

  4. I sure would like to witness it.

  5. Im hoping that the the clouds wont be covering it up. I really want to see it with my boyfriend!!

  6. It's going to be cloudy, but I'm gonna try. I'll watch anything that happens in the sky.

  7. 2-1 to Celtic!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHH


  8. about what time is it going to start i get out of class at 830 and I dont want to miss it

  9. My brother just mentioned it to me....I don't know how easy it'll be, living in the city, and it may be cloudy, but i'd definitely like to. He just told me that this is supposed to be the last one until 2010.

  10. Probably not, its raining here, we most likely won't be able to see it.

  11. I am...on the news...because the next one is in December 2010!

  12. nope wanted to but its raining heavy

  13. For the first time in a week, it's bloody cloudy!!!!  TYPICAL!!!

  14. I will be watching it through the snow flakes

  15. I would love to see it, but it's at 3:30am, I can't stay awake until then. I'll watch it on the news tomorrow.

  16. Yes, and the nice thing about it is that the eclipse will occur fairly early in the evening in my time zone. It's expected to be clear here and won't be too cold outside.

  17. I live in Bulgaria where there is a lovely clear night but I do not know what time it starts or even if its visible from here. Any suggestions ?

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