
Is anyone good at lying?

by  |  earlier

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What's a good excuse for me not to go the movies with my friend?

I don't want to be the third wheel & my date just flaked out on me....

If I tell her the truth she'll just want me to go with her anyways...




  1. youre not feeling well (24 or 48 hour flu?).

  2. just say your feeling abit cruddy and would act like a totall biznitch if u ended up going or 24 hour flue

  3. Tuesday is D&D (K)night with your buds!

  4. Violent diarrhea.

    Its to embarrassing to question, and no one can go out when they have diarrhea.

  5. if you're under 17-you got into a fight with your mom because you spilled soda on your carpet and you called her a B**** and she grounded you for a can try to get your mom to back you up on this...

    over 17-you're not in a good mood and don't feel like going out because of your stupid date who flaked out on you..if she says something like "just come with us, you'll feel better", tell her you would much rather just stay home...

  6. Just tell her you don't want to, that you don't want to be the third wheel.  Care enough about your friend to be honest with her : )

  7. say youve just come on your period and your in realllllllllyyyyy bad pain =]

  8. rather than trying to come up with an excuse, even though she'll want you to go anyway, just tell her you're REALLY uncomfortable being a "3rd wheel" and that you don't want to go.  Maybe she'll appreciate the honesty and alone time with her date :)  

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