
Is anyone happy about going back to school?

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Is anyone happy about going back to school?




  1. I'm a teacher and I wouldn't say I'm happy about going back, but I need the money.

    When I was a student, it was fun to be around my friends, but the classes bored me to death.

  2. haha yes actually! lol. i start tomorrow and i'm excited because i have a good schedule and a whole bunch of friends in all of my classes :)  

  3. Yes and No. I enjoy teaching the kids but it gets stressful at times. Many people don't appreciate the long hours and hard work during and after school that teachers have to put in to ensure that students succeed. I know it is the same way for the students as well at times. The best thing we can do is work together to make the most of the school year. I'm sure your teachers are just as excited about going back to school as you are. Talk to your teacher about to way you feel. Be mature about it. If I would have known how much work teachers really have to do I would have been more appreciative and active as a student. Oh and your teachers will be adjusting to the time change as well. We enjoyed our sleep too.

  4. I am! New school, tenth grade! Wow, I cant wait really, including today itll be 9 days til school! Wooo, its exciting because you get to meet new people!

  5. yes and no. Fun to see friends, but can be a little nerve wracking the first day! :)

  6. Yes! I prepared and everything! I cannot wait to learn and reunite with friends!!

  7. No =( I don't wanna wake up before noon! I will most likely be a zombie tomorrow haha. Oh well.

    good luck

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