
Is anyone have kids that are going back to school?

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i have a 7th grader,5th grader, pre-schooler.any tips on how to start my preschool in school like what they need .




  1. yes

  2. Usually with pre-school its just maybe a box of Kleenex.   And if anything else is needed, a list will be sent home after the first day :)    Also, maybe (just in case) a backpack with a change of clothes.  Depends on how old your preschooler is.   Sometimes one who is potty trained suddenly has an 'accident' and it's hard to get ahold of mom or dad to come up to the school with a change of clothes.   Usually its only in the first week or so this happens.

  3. I think you should read the article "How will you prepare your child for the first day at school?"

    I find it very useful.

  4. A good mom, always brings a box or two of kleenex bc kids get sick alot and they tend to run out...otherwise not really

  5. Our pre-school has an orientation night. That is where you should start. Also going to be earlier and getting up earlier about two weeks before the start of school.

  6. This article might help you:

    "Are your kids sleeping in a little longer than usual or not at all, acting crankier, breaking into a cold sweat? They could be reacting to the inevitable and imminent summer's end, when thoughts turn to homework and tests, and sizing up new classmates and teachers as friends or foe. Even the kids that enjoy school often need a little time to adjust."

  7. well i am going into 10th grade

    and when i was in 7th i basically bought the basics pencils, colored pencils, pens and loose paper, but i didn't get any note book and binders until after i started school because some of my teachers wanted things to be certain colors (i learned that the hard way in 6th grade when i bought everything ahead of time and it was all the wrong colors!!!)

    so i would do the same for the 5th grader

    and with the pre schooler - just get him/her some pencils crayons and like a couple folders then see if the teacher says there is anything else you need

    good luck with the school shopping!!!

  8. Pre-Schoolers really don't need much because most of the time everything is already provided for them at the school like crayons and such.

    All they really need is a little bookbag along with maybe their lunch.

  9. no, I dont have any

  10. Usually the teachers give you a list of what they need for supplies for school. Otherwise you may ask your child's teacher.

  11. coool i'm going to 7th grade this year and my sister's going to 5th grade! get your preschooler a backpack and stuff i guess.... what did you do with your other two children?

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