
Is anyone having problems with this F*** mobile network company called 3 ???

by  |  earlier

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Here is the letter I sent to them just to show what this company is like:

I am writing to try to sort some issues I've been having with 3 since I decided to upgrade my contract (18 months starting from 8th of June 2008).

1 - When my old contract was coming to an end, I called the 3 customer services to obtain information and make a further decision about leave or stay with the company and I was led to believe that I would be able to get 3 broadband service if I upgraded my mobile to a SEM Z750i using the handset as a modem connected to my Macintosh computer. Because I had already been misinformed about this connection by a member of the 3 staff in 2007, this time I made it sure I let the adviser know that my computer was a Macintosh and I asked her at least three times about the validity of this kind of connection, and she guaranteed to me that this time it would work as the SEM Z750i handset had a new built in technology compatible with the Macintosh system. What a surprise and disappointment when the handset arrived and reading the manual it was clear that no such connection would be possible. I tried to cancel the upgrade straight away, as I thought it was just fair considering I would never be able to get the service that made me decide to stay with the company, but of course after many apologies and excuses, nothing could be done. Instead I was given some suggestions from the advisers such as "to use internet on my mobile" or "to buy another computer".

2 - The same adviser who sold me the misleading service mentioned above, failed again to inform me about the correct price of my new account. Clearly she told it would be only a £15 monthly fee including VAT. But the real price came to be £15 + £ 2 video pack + VAT. I was completely unaware of the extra VAT charge and the "video pack" that apparently gives me free instant messaging with windows or yahoo (to which I was never able to get connected, a part from yahoo mail - sometimes - and just for reading but not for sending messages) and free calls and messaging through Skype. Well the SEM Z750i does not allow messaging through Skype and I have not been able to make any calls for 2 months now since my Skype connection became unavailable.

By the way, if £15+2 is equal £17 why have I been charged £18.72 before VAT for my plan?

3 - From July 26th, the phone signal in my flat just disappeared and while I am at home I am not able to make or receive any calls or txts, never mind another connection. The customer service's explanations do not help me and I am feeling complete in the dark, unhappy with the service and paying for something that is not worth the money.

4 - I have also problems with another 3 SIM card (pay as you go), and another handset (Skype 3) but I am mentioning it here just to show that this company has let me down an incredible number of times. I might write a separate letter regarding this particular issue.

I was avoiding the hassle of a formal complaint despite all these problems with the service but now, not being able even to receive phone calls, I thought that I deserve a better treatment from the company. If it is possible to just cancel the contract before it ends, this would be the right thing to do for me.

I hope the phone calls to 333 are really recorded and hope it can be used to clarify my case.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,




  1. couldnt be bothered to read all of your rant,but network 3 is utterly 5hite,i was with them for ...oh..a couple of weeks,then i dropped em like a bad habit????????

  2. Sympathize to a degree, but ultimately you see this is what you get when you swop and change providers like a tart, always looking for a better deal.

    I'm with o2, may not be the best, probably not the cheapest but I know where I am with them and they do treat me with a least a little respect.

    From what I have heard about 3, they would promise you anal if they thought they could get you to sign.

    As I say, I sympathize, and I can see that you are trying to get the message out there; but just in the time I have been writing this, two more tarts have been seduced by 3's rates, so whatcha gonna do?

  3. Yes my boyfriend had problems with 3 when he wanted to cancel his contract and put his number onto pay as you go. It took several letters and a threat with their own ombudsman before they sorted it out. You have definitely been misled and if they do not reply to your letter then i suggest you complain to the Ombudsman  3 are a very difficult company to communicate with and complain to. Did you send your letter recorded delivery? If not then send another copy to them this way then you know they have got your letter. Also i suggest contacting Consumer Direct    as they will be able to advise you further. Good luck and i hope this helps.

  4. A lot of people I know haven't been happy with 3, mobile phone companies in general are notorious for being misleading. I would personally complain to trading standards if they don't reply to your letter or you are not satisfied with the answer you receive from them- good luck  

  5. Tell them you will get trading standards and watchdog on to them if they dont reimburse your money, as you were deliberately mislead, and missold a service.

  6. The problem with 3 is the Customer Services they have not got a clue. My partner and I got an early opportunity to terminate our contracts. We put our notice in last week and weren't given a PAC code so my partner rang 3 to obtain the code only to be told we could have a PAC code with 30 days notice from today, only problem was we had put in the 30 day last week and would be charged another weeks line rental. They also offered us an upgrade but without a phone, so  I said if I am going to get an upgrade I want a new handset, they refused so I said I will leave in 30 days time.

  7. I used to work in a retail outlet that sold 3 mobile phones and what a load of rubbish they are - as answer 1 get in touch with trading standards  wish you luck

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