
Is anyone helping for the fight against global warming?

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  1. All that I'm doing to fight against global warming is telling people how lame and weak the whole thing is. The whole theory of anthropogenic (manmade) global warming is based on weak and speculative science that does not draw any firm conclusions. Our warming trend is not unusual in any way. Throughout Earth's history, there have been many warm periods and cool periods, this one not being anything extraodrinary. Why should we believe that we are causing the earth to warm by driving our cars, when, back in Medieval times, it was much warmer than now, and nobody even had any cars???!!???

  2. Please watch the Global Warming Special on May 2nd on Headline News (204 on Direct TV) at 7:00, 9:00 or Midnight Eastern Time.  YOu will get the truth in this one hour special.  This is way overhyped and just another reason to tax us to death and force us to buy the bogus carbon credits.  Global Warming is a trojan horse for Socialism, wake up Americans. Global warming is at the fore front because politicians found how to use a new platform to get re-elected. The world leaders use it because they found ways to make money at it. This is a made up problem just like Global Cooling in the 1970's. Wake up people. I agree we need to be more efficient with our resources, and we should fine and jail companies who are dumping into our rivers maliciously. I want to stop the raiforest destruction, but to say that global warming is a serious man made issue and we need to destroy the American economy and bow down to the rest of the world certainly does not float my boat. Follow the money on this one and you will see that it is all for political gain and grant money for those scientists who profit off of the government if global warming stays at the front of the issues. Look deep into the Keoto (sp?) Treaty, first of all they took jets to a non-central resort location. Not very environmentally concious. THen in the parameters of the treaty they have a clause that makes it so you can buy or sell polution credits. This is all about shifting wealth and breaking down the United States. This is painfully obvious, just look at peoples agenda. The earth's mean temperature has risen .6 degrees C in the past 125 years. Greenland's icecaps have gotten colder in the past 10 years. The Scientists who do not gain anything on their posisition will tell you that the earth has a natural progression and this is what we are seeing. The UN report is made up of POLITICIANS not a good spread of scientists. THere are as many or more scientists who believe that man in NOT the reason and it is over hyped, but their voice is not heard in the LIberal Mainstream Media. This issue is 99% political, and an attempt to make the USA a socialist nation, and eventually communisim. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT IS TIME TO BE AMERICANS. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. STOP THE LIES

  3. I'm doing whatever I can to inform people that global warming is science bordering on fraud. The entire basis of global warming and humans ability to affect climate depends on the existence of a "greenhouse effect". Without a greenhouse effect, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is immaterial and, consequently, humans can have no influence on climate.

    The 450,000 year temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide record from Vostok Ice cores (  ) shows that not once in the entire data set is there an incidence of a CO2 concentration change preceding a temperature change. Not once.

    At the least, this says that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration makes a good thermometer. But, just like adding mercury to a thermometer does not make the room warm up, adding CO2 to the atmosphere does not make the earth warm up. It never has in 450,000 years, and it is scientific lunacy to assume it will now.

    At the most, the lack of historical evidence that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has any effect on temperature indicates that the entire greenhouse effect theory is fantasy. This view is further supported by the fact that planetary temperatures in the solar system are far more accurately predicted by a blackbody calculation ( ) than a greenhouse effect calculation. Since the blackbody calculation excludes the atmosphere as having any secondary effect on the temperature of a planet and since it is more accurate, it almost assures that the greenhouse effect theory is flawed.

    In addition, the Vostok data is completely and accurately explained by the temperature dependence of the solubility of CO2 in sea water ( ). So, the legitimacy of the greenhouse effect is challenged by both experiment, in the form of the Vostok ice core data, and by blackbody theory and without a greenhouse effect humans cannot effect the climate. Global warming is nothing more than a con-game with the chief aim of separating the well-meaning from their money.

  4. I heard whats done is done....

  5. I turned the Air Conditioning up!

    Sorry, couldn't help it. :-)

  6. Little things such as energy efficient lightbulbs, recyling pretty much all waste, switching off electrical appliances when not needed.

    On a larger scale we (a friend and I) planted about 50,000 trees last year on some land he has in Africa.  The local people look after the trees and in return, when they mature, they pick the fruit.  All told these trees will absorb about 150,000 tons of CO2 - about the same that 100 people would produce in their lifetime.

    50,000 trees might sound a lot but it's not really.  The whole project including ground clearance and fencing cost less than $10,000, we got a grant that covered more than half the cost and the areas of planting (4 locations) aren't all that big.

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