
Is anyone here Vietnamese~?

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if you are, then do you identify yourself as partly Chinese~?





  1. I'm Vietnamese, but I won't call myself partly Chinese if someone asked.  However, in truth I'm partial Chinese on my mother side...but that's 2 generations ahead of me so I don't consider myself Chinese.  I'm 98.9999% Vietnamese. :)

  2. I'm Vietnamese! OMG! How could you ask such a question? Why Vietnamese have to identify ourselves as partly Chinese? Be careful to say so to some Vietnamese, they may hit you out of what is called Patriotism!

    Well, actually, what should I say?! I have 1/8 Chinese blood! haha! My paternal grandma is Chinese-Vietnamese. So, it's up to you to decide if I'm pure Vietnamese or not. Doesn't matter to me.

  3. It doesn't matter you are Vietnamese or Chinese. Our blood color is red.

  4. Me, I do not identify myself as Chinese at all. That's like saying your fully Puerto Rican, but partly Mexican. Two separate countries people. Why even ask a question?

  5. First of all, are you asking this on the basis that someone has connection to a chinese person from the upper generation, or are you just asking if any vietnamese person considers himself/herself chinese regardless if any of their ancerstors were chinese?

    I am Vietnamese. My great great great great grandmother was chinese. But that bloodline is probably lost by now. You can only carry so much to the next generation

    So NO, i do not consider myself chinese.

    If people say they're vietnamese, they are clearly stating that they're only vietnamese. Unless they say i'm vietnamese and chinese. And if a person who has no ancestors that are chinese, there is no way that they can identify with chinese people.

    OF course we have similar feature but like all asian countries we have similar features. Doesn't necessarily mean we are connected.

  6. I'm 100 %  Chinese but I live in Vietnam .

  7. im like 50% chinese and vietnamese cause my mom and dad there grandpa are 100% chinese and there mother are 100% Vietnamese hahaha lol

  8. I'm a Vietnamese rooster (lol) but honestly my forefathers were Chinese.  Somewhere down the line, there have been intermarriages with other Asian and European immigrants, so I'm now a jolly combination of the East and the West and yet consider myself true blue Vietnamese.=D

  9. no i dont.

    i dont really like people mistaken me for a Chinese kid.

    im 100% viet.

  10. HELLL NOO!!

    vietnamesee NOTHIN ELSE!!



  11. i'm vietnamese but i don't think : "We look like chinese"

    i can't belive "you can ask that question"

    chinese is chinese and vietnamese is vietnamese...

    japanese is japanese and all country is their country...

  12. Im 100% vietnamese. Only Hoang's and Nguyen's on both sides of my family... cant get anymore vietnamese than that

    Of course, people still say I "look chinese" but that doesnt mean that I consider myself to be. Vietnamese are vietnamese, chinese are chinese, why would we identify ourselves as something we are not?

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