
Is anyone here dyslexic, at uni and in the UK...or know someone who is?

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I heard that if you are diagnosed with dyslexia and attend university you are entitled to a free laptop. My friend is dyslexic and she wants to know if this is correct and how much you get to buy one? Is it a very small amount?




  1. it all depends on the needs of the individual - my friends son is dyslexic - got A's for his a levels and got a first at Uni - he was very determined and was identified early enough for him to get support.

    I know he had to have tests at Uni to make sure he was not faking dyslexia cos common that students say this supposedly.

    He did not get a free laptop but was given extra time to submit work and was allowed to submit a draft to his student  support for them to look at spelling for him (cos although he used spell checker he would not know which word to chose from options!!!)

    Your friend could ring uni she wants to go to and ask what support is given for dyslexic students - student support would be able to offer support!

  2. I'm not dyslexic but when I was at Uni there was a chap who was.  He was given oodles of help including extra time for exams, a computer and help with note taking etc.  Go for it this chap ended up with a 2:1  pretty damned good for someone who found reading so hard as it was a psychology degreep.s Think that he was supplied with a computer and didn't have to contribute...different Unis have different budgets etc

  3. I know quite a few dyslexic people who were on my course at university who were given free laptops. I'm not sure how they went about it, get your friend to ask their academic advisor. And I'm not sure if it happens across the board or in certain cases, but it's definately worth looking into. They were covered for the entire cost of the laptop as far as I was aware.

    Just found this:

  4. She should contact her local authority and ask about the Disabled Student Allowance:

    If your friend has been diagnosed by a psychologist she can complete a DSA1 form and sumit a copy of her psychologist's report:

    The university will assess her requirements and may recommend a computer. The local authority will purchase this. Extra help can also be available for books, notetakers, etc.

  5. Free? go buy one, what holds a dyslexic back? Inability to spell?

  6. Haha unfortunatly not. If that were the case everyone would be claiming to be dyslexic.

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