
Is anyone here good with limewire...need help?

by  |  earlier

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i have had it before and it worked efficiently

but now when i right click on songs to download nothing happens

it doesnt show up in the download box

i uninstalled and reinstalled and everything and still not working

can anyone help me/explain why




  1. I have been using limewiire for years now,

    When you see a  song you want to download, double click on song and it will start to downloading..

    May I suggest something. I have seen quite a few askers here at Yahoo Answers who lost there songs when they uninstalled limewire.

    What you should do is, make a directory on your d drive and call it

    for example d:/Limewire Music. Then you go to limewire  options and also change there the download directodry to d:/Limewire Music.

    From now on limewire will copy the finished downloads to that new directory. Now you music is save. when you have to format your pc or when you uninstall limewire

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