
Is anyone just totally fed up with our government and their disregard for the citizens they are supposed to re

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oil prices immigration taxation , live and let live in comfort and peace the american dream is for americans also




  1. i dont really understand the question, sorry.

    yes i am fed up with the way our country is run, but what are YOU proposing to do about it?

    the only thing we can do is vote and act in our community, nobody seems to care and thats why our country is going down the drain.

  2. Yes

  3. We all speak from the comforts of our home

    but who will actually do something about the mess we are in ?

    gess i can't even buy a loft of bread and eggs with it  costing me 12.00 dollars... what is going to be next ? Gas is already to high

    really Guys they are sucking us DRY ,,,,,,,

  4. The American dream has turned into a reality for the illegals at the expense of the American taxpayer.

  5. Yes, YES I AM! I can't understand those who refuse to see what our government has become.

  6. Don't  just complain get a group together and write, call, email, etc. to your Representatives and Senators to voice your disapproval. And by the way, yes I also am fed up and have done writing, etc.

  7. very much so! i believe it should be renamed united states of socialist republic...just as my name says

    a famous russian dictator said america will be communist and not a shot will be fired.i really believe this to be true

    we are having our constitutional  rights being stripped from us

    one at a more freedom of speech,and the democrats want to take away our right to bear arms..whats next?

  8. I can't stand to see what is happening to this great country and her people. When are we going to take back the tissue called the constitution and stop this administration from blowing there nose with it.......Never forget we are WE THE PEOPLE. Write your congressmen and women and tell them enough is enough and do the job we taxpayer pay you for. Remember they work for us.

  9. I believe at least 50% of America feels this way, but we are such pacifist now no one will do anything. We have went 8 years watching our government strip us of liberties. Now as it is today people dont believe that the NAU is real, no one can believe that our government is just pushing this on us. The people have no say in this matter, and our government will not allow us to be heard. Think they tinker with the 2nd ammendment for nothing?

  10. Sorry, what is your point?

    Your taxes are too high?  yeah probably are, but the best way to change that is to give a President a line item veto power, to get the pork out of the budgets.

    Oil prices?  Sorry, Government isn't going to change that, unless we get a chance to drill for oil in our own country, but that has more to do with the environmental whack jobs who won't allow it, because a "spotted owl" somewhere might need therapy after wards.

    Live and let live?  Do your job, play with your kids and stay out of trouble.

  11. Oil prices, immigration and taxation? Of course. I think everyone should pay their fair share of taxes. Every citizen should get a$20K exemption (family of four $80K) and any thing above that should be taxed at some nice percentage like, say, 20.

  12. Okay, so what are you doing about it?

    Personally, I vote Libertarian, and discuss the Constitution with anyone that will listen, yet here we are, with the "lesser of two evils" the most likely next president.

  13. you have to remember that what your government does not only affects you, the american people, but also everyone else in the world, yet we cannot vote for or against these people that have so much control over our economy and policies.  not to mention that we (the people) were dragged into a war we did not want. (prime minister practically leapt at the chance to buddy up to bush)  i wish everyone could have a say in how america is run, because it is also how the world is run, and i am an international citizen.  where are my rights?  (for clarification, i live in Australia, although anyone from the western world would be in the same boat)

  14. Speak up and keep speaking up.

    You're doing good.

    Don't let them upset you.  Just keep writing.

  15. everyone has the same opportunities dawg ain't that what you tell poor blacks. Stop complaining and go get your dream.

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