
Is anyone making an affordable electric car besides Zap? Anyone doing conversions for a reasonable price?

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I read that conventional cars and trucks can be converted to electric power. I understand kits can be purchased and instructions obtained, but I'm not a mechanic or an engineer. Is there anyone doing this for others?




  1. i am sorta a hybrid freak!!!

    i beilve GM is coming out with a convertible hybrid concept car in 2008 called the volt

    almost every company is making/developing a hybrid car. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are proboly not going to work well. try a toyota prius. low price and 50-60mpg. some deisle trucks can be converted to use veggie oil and other things.

    good luck

    if you have any other questions email me @

  2. FORD made a great car, someone bought it, FORD realized their mistake to let it be known, tried in court to get the guy to give it back, court ruled against FORD, person won, has a great car, loves the where are ours I ask you?  Hey I'd even go to golf carts for everyday getting around...

  3. In the long run electric and hybrid cars have  a larger carbon footprint that a good light weight economy car that is plaino internal combustion driven.. Try getting a bike , bicycle, or just good running shoes.

  4. Yes, you can absolutely get an affordable, freeway-capable electric vehicle conversion, in some cases for as little as $5000. Link:



    This is the kind of car I drive, and it is an indescribable sensation to drive past gas stations and wave at all the angry people there. Do you know what it costs me for electricity? Only a penny or two per mile!


    As for the person here claiming an electric vehicle has a larger carbon footprint than a gas vehicle, how about some proof? I will prove the opposite. Here is not one, not two, but a collection of several well-to-wheel studies which all show that electric vehicles create much less pollution over their lifetimes:



    And here is a document from Dept of Environmental Quality showing that Li-Ion batteries (used in modern EVs) are not considered hazardous waste:


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