
Is anyone offended by CNN Black in America?

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Will there be White in America? After all in my city my kids are a minority..

Will there be Asian in America?

Jews in America?

Latins in America?

When does it stop? They talked about paying black kids to go to school in NY, Atlanta and a few other cities, to curb drop out rates. What the??? Do my kids not run the same risk of dropping out, and qualify to get paid? (and I live in one of the urban areas they named)

No, they don't because my husband and I work our tails off to sit by their sides each night to do homework, to sit on sidelines at ball games, to show up for openhouse and back to school nights. And they know if they s***w up in school or in the streets we'll kick their behinds....

Lets tell parents just to get involved to curb drop out rates..




  1. I can understand why you feel this way. Black people aren't the only victims. I also think that there shouldn't be a particular focus on one race because all people face similar situations that the black families in the documentary face.

    But at the same time it also mentioned those black people who made sure that by their hard work and dedication that they and their children will live better lives.

    I also agree, not necessarily with outright paying kids to learn, but giving them incentives to do their best at school. After all, adults are given perks and incentives to do their best in their line of work; why not have the same principle for kids, especially those who might think that an decent education is a waste of time?

    Really what this program should do is encourage all of us, regardless of race to try and do our best in life. No matter who you are, you're going to face common stereotypes and obstacles to a quality education and way of life simply because of the way the world works.

    If you can take 1 positive fact that you've learned from the program and use it towards bettering life, then you've already won a huge battle.

  2. No.  I think you're being overly sensitive.  Black people don't run CNN or write their programs. Stop blaming them.  Only black people--if anyone--should be offended by those proposals. (I haven't seen the program so I can't really judge.)

  3. I know what your saying, although the words you choose may offend some people. I think its important to know how other people live, but after watching the first hour of the show, I had to shut it off. All races deal with poverty, pain, death, and sickness...

    There are also major problems that go on inside middle class neighborhoods, but people forget about these kids. Most children in my neighborhood have a nice house, don't have to worry about food, etc. but 90% of them have fathers that travel 99% of the time and when they are home, don't care. Most of these children have issues of abandonment from one of their parents walking out on them. Most of these children give up on trying in school. One of my neighbors has 3 boys and hired a full time aupair AND a babysitter. I see the kids with the hired help more than the parents. Is this not a worthy problem?

    I understand the problems of poverty, etc. any person who isn't completely sheltered or has taken any college classes knows the risks, etc of people living in poverty... but I don't think that talking about one race and showing them to be such victims because of health issues that they could have statistic wise is worthy of any tv time. There are white families who have lost family member after family member to cancer... it affects ALL of us.

  4. Get over yourself!

  5. I have never watched it.....

    but my children will not need to be paid to go to school they love school and love learning because I am there for them I help them with any subject they have same as my mother and father helped me.

    What is the thumbs down for because I don't watch the show or because I love and nurture my children?

  6. - One of the purposes of "Black in America" was to make people such as yourself get offended. It's only a matter of time before you channel that negative energy from CNN to directly towards black people

  7. Remember when Hillary bragged about having support from "Hard working americans...WHITE americans"? Basically you're saying you agree with her. You're so blissfully ignorant it's almost tragic. By the way for 4 hours all together people will watch Black in America the rest of the time it's all about White in America.

  8. It bothers me, this type of program seeks to portray all blacks as victims.  Can any one name a single African country with the same opportunities that exist here?  No, because this is the greatest nation on Earth and some feel the need to play the victim instead of seizing the ample opportunities that abound on our shores.

  9. I hear ya. I barely heard part of the show advertise, and hear some black guy answering a question; "Will it solve all our problems, no, but it will help..." or something to that effect.

    And I'm thinking, no, no amount of giving or begging or being nice to you will ever help. There will always be that poe pitiful me and us, we'll never be up with the rich folks Attitude.

  10. Amen!  Parents that see the school teachers as day care for the young and the sole educators for the older ones. they do not participate in school functions, volunteering for class field trips, or even help the kids that need extra care to pass their classes.  They just blame it on lazy or bad teachers.

  11. NOPE - we are exposed to "White in America" 24 hours a day - seven days a week.....

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