
Is anyone other than me getting tired of the SHARK videos?

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I'm talking about all the videos on youtube about abuse at rodeos. Yes, at some rodeos it happens but why punish the whole sport because of a few? Please don't say that I don't care about animals because I do. I just want some input.




  1. Yes, too many people over react to things they know nothing about.

  2. Actually, they don't bother me....they are exactly what I expect to see happen in any war.  The extremes are the norm when people take on a cause and try to win.  Why do we end up in wars killing thousands of people when we take up a cause?  The people using these videos won't get the support they are seeking if they present videos that are fair and balanced, will they?  It does no good to get mad and complain about their stradegy in warfare....if you object to the propaganda, it isn't fought by shouting's fought by presenting truth and counteracting false information.  Research into allegations is what is needed...honest appraisal of those allegations is what has to happen.

    This is much like the horse slaughter issue. Many took up the cause against slaughter, when what they really protested was the treatment of the horses prior to the actual slaughter....while the horse was still alive to feel it.  Slaughter is now banned in the US, and the real problem of inhumane treatment just got worse because of it.

    Shouting that all allegations of cruelty are false doesn't do any good.  Facts presented in an unbiased fashion are necessary to battle misinformation.  Use the anger to do the research and fight back with intelligent, factual and provable information.  Shark doesn't care about other countries....they lobby in this country.  It makes no difference what is happening in a country where you are not a citizen and have no say in anything....focus on what you can do here, where you do have a say.

    ADD...I think it is a huge mistake to just not watch should always know the enemy so you know what you are up against.

  3. You know my opinion on this as we are pretty good friends.  When are we going riding again?  Today? Tomorrow?  But you also know that I have to share my opinion with anyone who will listen.  Shark is saying that all rodeos are bad, and for people that have never been to or participated in a rodeo, they are going to believe what shark tells them because if it's on the internet, then it must be true.  Right?  Now I'm not saying that abuse does not happen period, I'm just saying that it is not the norm at a rodeo, which is what SHARK wants everyone to BELIEVE it is.  I think everyone that has ever participated in a rodeo is tired of seeing these videos that negatively depict our way of life.

  4. Being a huge fan of rodeo I don't need to watch YouTube videos to know what abuses go on at rodeos and I would be the first to admit that my sympathy for the animals is selective. The calf roping and bull riding for example do not bother me in the least but the bronc riding event is another matter entirely. I have such an intense love for horses that if it was up to me to decide the rules of bronc riding it would have to be the way it was in days of old, on the back of wild untamed unbroken horses with no aids to enrage the horse and induce bucking. But the modern day rodeo bronco riding only imitates that by using aids like the flank strap to induce bucking and they also enrage the horse to induce bucking by subjecting it to a cruel beating and severe physical abuse in the chute before the flank strap is tightened when the chute opens. I always root for the horse in that event and it would take a great deal of self control and restraint for me to keep from applauding if the horse crushed the riders head after bucking him off.

  5. I know exactly what you are talking about. It happens with most disciplines, but rodeos seem to be the most commonly attacked. It's best to try not to associate with places where you can see it happening (learned that from personal experience). I've left many a rodeo because of things you see in those videos happening. There's nothing anyone can do to stop it, it's someone's philosophy. And there's no way to change a philosophy.

  6. I haven't seen any of them and don't plan on it.  It just makes me upset when I see people harming animals in any way even when it's in the movies and fake it still bothers me.

  7. Yes, I for one am completely over the sensationalism.

    Its all about frenzied, tweaked media footage intended to misrepresent the sport

    yada, yada, yada ad nauseum.

    You've all heard it before, so I'll save it.

    ha ha ha ! Troll bait......they're soooo predictable !

  8. If SHARK really wants to stop abuse, why don't they pack up and go to other countries, where they bet on stallions to fight and kill each other over a mare? Or some rodeos(in other countries) where three riders pin a loose horse a full gallop and trip it with lassos?

    I don't think the rodeos here are abusive, so yeah, i'm with you on being sick of all the videos.

  9. i think it is stupid and i agree with you

  10. i watched one and after that have not went looking for any more, it's total bs and twisted.  .  .  i'm more tired of people believing everything they see and read online.  

  11. its all bias i hate all youtube videos

    and people have the nerve to say barrel racing is abusive my horses arent abused maybe the people saying western riders are abusive are the ones being abusive to their horses by  trying to cover it up by blaming other people for abuse

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