
Is anyone out there HAPPY that gas prices are high?

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My friend is happy that gas prices are rocketing. For years he was driving an economy car even though he is a millionaire. He just bought a brand new Hummer H3. When people ask him about the gas mileage, he tells them "for years, I drove an economy car to conserve. Now it's my turn".

He hopes gas hits $10 a gallon so the people who don't need gas guzzlers, will not drive them. Do you agree with my friend?




  1. OPEC is probably happy making a lot of money of us.

  2. "Happy" isn't the right word, but YES,  I DO think that Americans should be paying more for gasoline--we should have been paying high gasoline taxes from the beginning, like they do in Europe.  That way we wouldn't have squandered so much or built commuter neighborhoods, and our businesses wouldn't  have become dependent on cheap gas in the first place.

    DO YOU KNOW THAT our US tax on gas, a mere 18 cents/gallon,  is the SAME tax they had on gasoline when it only cost 25 cents a gallon????  Using the same rationale that the tax should go to road repairs, etc.--and our highways and bridges are aging and falling apart--the US gov't SHOULD have been raising the tax on gasoline all along, to keep up with inflation if nothing else!

    That means we should be paying approx. $3 tax on each $4 gallon of gasoline, raising the cost to $7/gallon.  But cheap gas was never an American's 'right to have.'

    HIgh prices (ie.,  taxes on gas) are the easiest way to get Americans to conserve on their use of gasoline--and our nation REALLY needs those tax dollars to repair our highways--AND pay off the national debt!

  3. Yeah I am too, its about time the middle class got called out for their bloated, excessive, overconsuming lifestyle habits! The only way they would ever get confronted about it was when it impacted the only thing the sincerely pay attention to-their wallets. I just finished college so for the time being I am too broke to afford another car so I am taking the bus and riding my bicycle to get around and now my methods don't seem lame at all. My heart sings with glee at seeing all these news stories on TV and in the papers about how Mr. and Mrs. Jones are paying close to $100 to top off their Tahoes and Grand Caravans and Escalades so they can get to their jobs in the city from way the he// out in some BFE exurb and back and how they are going broke running Skyler, Mackenzie, Codey, and Larissa to their soccer games, karate practices, band practices and violin lessons. I am very happy gas prices are this high.

  4. Millionaire are not if the gas price keep climbing and he drive a gas hog he is going to get poor real quick .The rich stay rich by trying to keep it not give it to the gas stations around the world. So No I'm not happy that gas prices are high and if ur friend had more sense than money he wouldn't be either.

  5. It's amazing that people have been ignorant that there is a finite amount of oil, and that we can't use it like there is no tomorrow.

    People need a good jolt in the pants to get the message.

  6. Yes, I agree with your friend!!  This high gas is great !!!  NO semis, no traffic on weekends.....and all these people who laughed at me when I paid as I went, didnt buy a home in the housing hype, didnt take exotic trips and drove an economical car are now crying the blues-TOO BAD!!  They got us in this mess by living beyond their means, now its their turn to suffer....I barely notice gas increases as I live close to work and keep my expenses low

  7. Well, while I feel the pain that everyone (including my family) is experiencing, I think that there may be a silver lining on the cloud.  Our car culture can only hurt us in the long run, with pollution, congestion, climate change, and a slew of other problems.  Anything that helps us get out of this cycle may prove to be a benefit in the long run.

  8. I can think of two groups of people who are delighted with the current gas prices: The Saudis, and the petrol company executives. By the way, I am stuck in Kuwait at the moment, and gasoline is 65 cents a gallon (that's about 16 cents a liter). The price is compareable in Saudi.

  9. I'm happy that the gas prices are high... No I'm not happy to pay out a lot of money to fill my tank... but I am grateful that the high prices will dramatically increase demand for fuel efficient, hybrid, and/or electric cars. Additionally, demand for mass transit will dramatically increase as well. Between the two, less traffic on the roads, healthier air to breathe, and less pollution.

    Realistically speaking, you tell Americans "we need to cut down on pollution" and very few will heed the warning. But when something like this comes along, EVERYONE pays attention.

  10. thats the stupidest thing iv ever heard


    ur friend must be loaded

    ... and he is a hipocrite driving a H3 " people who don't need gas guzzlers, will not drive them"

  11. I love the high price. It's a great incentive for someone to come up with an alternative fuel that works.

    We have become way to dependent on foreign oil.

  12. Does your friend own shares in crude oil? That is the only way I could be happy and anyone else.

  13. i hope he falls out of his pos hummer and gets ran over by it . most useless chunk of metal on the planet.

  14. Some people should be happy.  High oil prices has a number of good effects.

    1. People will conserve, and the oil that exists will last longer.  CO2 emissions will be smaller (per year) than they would be if we could pump the oil out faster.  That may not matter, but some people think it does.

    2. Oil Exporting countries will get rich, so they'll be happier

    3. Lots of new kinds of energy technologies will be cost-effective. They're making a killing in Alberta in the tar sands.  Some of these technologies might actually be sustainable, by golly! Think of that!

    4.  People who work in the energy industry will be in greater demand and get paid more (a lot more). This has been going on for a while - oil companies are hiring lots of people at very high prices.  VERY HIGH.

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