
Is anyone out there actually doing anything to curb the problem of AGW?

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I want specifics. I would really like to know what large organizations are doing to help the problem. Namely with coal fired power plants and power consumption. I know about the LEED standard for commercial construction, but what else is there to reduce our emmisions. I would also perfer if there was no humans do not emit gases hoopla placed as an answer because you are wrong. I will agree with you that there is quite a bit of alarmist material out there, but there is also quit a bit of flat earth material out there as well. I want answers that concede that human emissions are a problem and what is being done to curb them. Middle of the road only. I understand that computer modeling allows us to predict a probable but not exact future and I am not concerned with that information. This is because if the solutions work that is future we will never see. So again any potential solution please. Also please do not say hold your breathe because that makes you out to be ignorant.




  1. Are you sure mankind is in charge of the earth?  Have you considered the possibility that God exists, and is able to manage the planet without the help of mankind?

    Now we are collecting thumbs down, lay them in there :) :) :)

    This is great fun!!

  2. What problem?

  3. The best source of information that will tell us what we need to do to stop the man made component of Global Warming is the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)reports.

    According to the IPCC reports if we are to have any chance of stopping man made Global Warming we must cut world wide (not just the United States) carbon dioxide emissions by  90%. That means we must cut carbon dioxide emissions to less than 10% of what thsoe emissions are today.

    The only way that we can do that is to ban the burning of all fossil fuels world wide.

    Speciafically that means that we cannot burn any coal no matter how clean the coal is.

    We cannot burn any form of oil whether it is gasoline or diesel, and not even in hybrid cars. Hybrid cars only cut the use of gasoline and diesel by approximately 50%. That is no where near good enough.

    Hybrid cars are in fact pernicious because they permit people who own hybrid cars to think that they are helping the environment whn in fact they are not.

    If anything, hybrid cars make the continued use of fossil fuels acceptable. That will not work if we are to have any chance at stopping the man made component of Global Warming.

    Also we cannot use natural gas for any purpose. Not to heat our homes, not for cooking and not for the generation of electricity.

    It is clear from the IPCC reports that if we do not ban the use of fossil fuels world wide (no exceptions for developing nations) we have no chance of stopping the man made component of Global Warming.

    I know of no person or group that is making any serious effort to ban (and eneforce the ban) the use of fossil fuels world wide.  

    Without such a world wide ban on the use of fossil fuels there is no chance that we will stop the man made component of Global Warming.

  4. Sure.  Many countries around the world signed Kyoto and are trying to reduce fossil fuel use according to their targets.  Some are succeeding, some not.

    For example Germany has a law which gives price incentives to alternative energy.  As a result Germany is adding wind power at an impressive rate.

    In the US, States and cities are leading the effort, while the Federal government does essentially nothing.

    "Republican governors team up against global warming"

    US Federal action will start January 21, 2009, since all three of the candidates have said that global warming is a major problem that needs to be addressed.

    Are we doing enough?  No.  But plenty of people have started.

  5. it's going backwards;

    February 4, 2008

    U.S. Cancels Clean Coal Plant

    Government puts the kibosh on plans for so-called FutureGen facility

  6. I am not doing a single thing.  Any conservative of energy I do is strictly to save money.

  7. no i agree with the first answer, and lets say the earth did not ever change , we would be in a mess and if i must say the earth has always been changing since day one

  8. What can a person do?  The Sun, not man is the source and cause of all global warming.

  9. I think the feral government should step in and make the building codes allow for Renewable Energy to be used by those who want it.  There should be ONE building code for all, not a million.

    I would rather see a billion windmills, then look ONE coal plant.

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