
Is anyone out there concerned about peak oil production?

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Is anyone out there concerned about peak oil production?




  1. yes, that is why many scientists are devolving alternatives for oil, not just as a fuel but as the molecular lego block of our society.

  2. The price of crude oil indicates that oil production will increase in the near future, as producers attempt to make as much as possible from this situation, and The OPEC cartel tries to increase production to cause price reduction.

    The real issue is how to replace crude as the basic source of energy.

  3. Very.

    The problem is not that we'll "run out" of oil.  The problem is that the cost will ruin our economy.

    Every year we find less new oil than the increase in demand.  Although there'll be some ups and downs, price increases are inevitable.

    It's nonsense to say the problem is that we're not drilling some sensitive locations.  We could drill all of Alaska and our coasts and it wouldn't change things for very long.

    We'll drill everything when we get desperate enough.  And, with our lack of action to face the reality of peak oil, we'll certainly get desperate.

  4. Yup, millions of people are. We've already used up a good portion of the readily accessible oil in the world, and we're pretty well ****** in 20-30 years. But that's okay..I'm sure we'll adapt. If not then I've got guns, so it's all good.

  5. Peak oil production is a concept that is a little overblown.  So what if we've hit the peak of oil production? We all know that we have a limited oil reserves that will last anywhere from 50 to 200 years.  

    As a nation, it's our responsibility to move toward alternative energies very quickly before the high prices of oil hurt the economy.  Nuclear, solar and wind all have to be developed very quickly.

  6. Because I own a part  of the industry extracting oil and gas, and owns the supplying fields, I am more inclined to see peak oil as an economic opportunity. As prices rise I am lobbying for, not increased production to get more money now, but reduced production so that we sell into scarcity later on.

    Keeping fuel off the market offers a greater reward than rushing it to market simply because the price is higher thatn it was. Wait longer for higher reward.

  7. This is a very ridiculous question, because there isn't a single person (adult) out there I know that isn't concerned.  Most people are concerned because there are still a great many that have to pay for gas at the pump.  

    However, this is a cause for vast consumer interest.  This is nearly all companies (besides Exxon) are trying to "green" their image.  Car companies are coming out with new concepts that are soon going be on the market.  Already you can buy a VoltsWagon that runs on diesel, as all diesel cars can also run on biodiesel, which can com from many sources (soybean oil and waste vegetable oil, aka "french fry grease" - 1).  Ethanol also looks promising, because we now have the ability to grow food and (unlike today's methods) use the agricultural waste (or "cellulose") as a fuel source.  What's even more interesting is the use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)  that can run on power supplied by the grid or on gas, ethanol or biodiesel.  Plus, the power supplied by the grid, even if it was all coal (which it's not), would be cleaner than any other technology on the market (2).  That is why there are companies like Tesla that are getting a lot of consumer intrerest, and current companies such as Toyota are considering it as well (3).

    So, you see, even though we are running out of oil, we are looking for many ways to solve the fuel crunch.  I firmly believe that in a few decades we will forget about oil and never need another drop again.

  8. As oil gets more expensive people will cut back their use of oil. This will help reduce the output of greenhouse gases.

    This will help us solve the Global Warming problem.

  9. There are many generators now that are ruining off oil & gas when they should be useing coal, as it is the oldest. The oil and gas should be saved for the mobile vehickles. The world is recycleing fossil fuel's as fast as it can and if we choose the right fuel there should be plenty.

  10. I'm more concerned about the bogey man.  I think I will go and hide under my blanket.

  11. Yes, I am actually quite concerned. But check this movie out...

    The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. This movie explains Cuba's struggle with peak oil, and how they adapted and survived.

    It is right on youtube. Just search the title and watch it (it is divided into 5 parts)

  12. I'm not.  Eventually it will happen.  But I think it will be more like a plateau than a peak.  As the price starts to climb the higher prices will cut demand and provide the incentive for increased production efforts.

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