
Is anyone out there forgetting or getting used to the fact that gas is gonna be at 4 dollars a gallon?

by  |  earlier

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Cuse if you are you seriously need to consider killing yourself.......for the greater good....but before you do answer my question because i read an article today saying that that is starting to happen




  1. Europe has been ready for $4/gallon gas for 20 years.  That whole time it's been $5/gallon, now it's $8 to $9.

    I've been expecting $4/gal. for at least 10 years and I've planned my life so I can live with that.  Now I'm planning for $20/gal. gas.  Are you?

  2. They could charge $20 a gallon and we would have to pay it; there seems to be no end to the gouging and no relief for the working man who has not seen an increase in his paycheck comparable to the increases of the cost of gas and everything else that went up because of us relying on one energy source.  Our American Dream seems to have went down the drain.

  3. It's already well over $4 in Phoenix.

  4. Its over 4 a gallon now ! My gas costs for a month is MORE than my Apt rental Nah am not forgetting that fact.

    740  gas for vehicle

    680 rent for home.

    Tell me something is not wrong

    We need to put the UNITED back in UNITED STATES.

    We need to come together as a people, Boycott the oil and grocery store, and send a clear messege that its our money and we do not have to give it to them.

    IF 50% of the usa Organized a one week boycott of an oil company say EXXON, and a grcery store chain , Say SAFEWAY. The messege would be quite clear to them. If that didnt work then the folowing week BOYCOTT (TOTAL BOYCOTT ) of SHELL OIL and ALBERTSONS grocery.

    Somewhere in being forced to spend the amounts of money we are spending, we have lost a grip on the fact we are still THE VOICE HERE.

    PUT  the word UNITED back in

    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. make our voices heard again.

    We collectively pick a date. and campaign with newspapers, television , E-mail, snail mail, word of mouth. For all USA people to act together as ONE VOICE on that day. Forming a U shaped human chain all across the country at GAS stations and Grocery stores. We cordinate the time and date to make it all happen at the same time. Media will flock the events, people will see it , and join. and BIG BUSSINESS and the GOVERNMENT Will see it and feel it in THEIR POCKETS.


    That will be our calling card to AMERICA.

  5. gas has already been at over 4$/gal in illinois for over 3 wks already.  i think some people are starting to get use to it, but some people are changing their habits and using more transit, carpooling, 4-day work weeks are being implemented here, and even telecommuting to eliminate the drive.

    as far as the prices tho', it is economics - the law of supply and demand.  yes, the oil companies are making obscene profits, but it is because there is sooooo much volume in sales.  people keep buying gas and still keep driving.  the oil companies have no incentive to lower the price of fuel, and they are not a public charity.

    prices will fall when people quit buying so much gas.

    as far as Congress and government, i'm of 2 thoughts.  the govt keeps talking about capitalism and free markets, especially when it comes to trains, planes, and buses.  if the free market is good for them, then the automobile needs to go totally free market too, and that should result in higher gas prices, as well as toll roads and higher licensing fees.  

    if you think that autos should continue getting a subsidy, then advocate that trains, buses, bike lanes, and sidewalks get more subsidy too.  too many people drive bcs most govt money is spent for free roads and expressways, while expecting that railroads have to be profitable, and the lack of sidewalks discourage pedestrianism.

    as a note, us gas prices are still dirt cheap, even at 4$/gallon, it is too cheap still.  too many people are still driving, there is still road and expressway congestion, and there are over 40,000 auto crash fatalities a year nationwide bcs too many people are driving and not enough are using buses, trains, planes, and bikes.

    in canada, my friends say that gas is about 1.40 C$/litre (aprox equiv to 5.30 U$/gal), and a friend in germany reports that last week, gas was 1.50 €/litre (aprox equiv to 10.40 U$/gal).  so, go to canada or europe and drive, then you can complain about the price of gas.  america has it good in comparison.

  6. we will see $5 a gallon before 4th of July.

    I made a street legal DIESEL minibike/scooter. it gets 200 mpg...

  7. Gas is already over the $4.00 dollar mark.

  8. Well I must say that 4.00 is now here in Las Vegas. I am a Mobile mechanic and I repair cars . I come to you when you car is broken. And every time I gas up my van the price has jumped another few cents.

    I don't care what you say but it will keep going up until we all put a stop to it.

    You can't tell me the oil company's are not ripping us all off. When you hear that the major oil company's shower record profits last quarter. Some thing must be done and done soon. Stop talking about the price of gas and call the congress and demand a high tax on wind fall profits the oil company's are making.

    Demand your government your and mine do something and stop talking about it and DO SOMETHING NOW.

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