
Is anyone out there home schooled??? if so i need your help! writing a paper about this?

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if you are please answer these few question

1. is it a good thing or bad thing?

2. what r the benefits you get from it?

3. is it faster?

4. what has to be done to make it count as real school?

5.whats your name and age? you like it?

7.was it something you wanted or forced todo? and last you ever wish to go to a public school?

if your thinking y am i asking these question its cause i have to write a paper about home schooled students and convince my teacher y people should do it or y we should not. i really need help.

thank you for your time.




  1. This is word-for-word from my homeschooled 5th grade son:

    1.  It depends.  I think it's a good thing.  But you may not.  I think it's a good thing because it teaches me how to learn without having to listen to a teacher for an hour.  I learn by my mom teaching me, through my books, through movies, and through audiobooks.  I also learn using the computer.  It's fun most of the time, and it's interesting.

    2. I get to spend more time at home with my mom.  I like being able to choose which subjects I want to do.  I also like being able to learn how I need to, and I can go as fast or slow as I need to.  If I'm stumbling on a subject, I can slow down and catch up later.

    3. Yes.

    4. It is real school.  I mean, I'm learning the same stuff, I'm just not going to public school with 30 other people in the classroom, and the teacher having to answer each one.  School is about learning, and that's what I do.

    5. Name withheld [sorry], 10

    6. Yes!

    7. I wanted to do it.  I begged my mom to do it, as a matter of fact.

    8. No!  Because it takes about 50 million times longer.  I can study things without the teacher assigning me to do it [he makes up his own assignments when he feels I'm not giving him enough] and I still get credit for it.  I can also study things from different points of view, which I really enjoy.

    Hope that helps!  (He says, "I hope that answers your questions!")

  2. Hi. I hope my answers help you out some. I've been a homeschool mom for 3 years. I'm going to tell you about my 13 year old.....

    Ok, homeschooling is wonderful for me because I get to choose what he does and doesn't learn. My son likes it because he goes to bed later, gets up later, and is done with school in a couple hours (usually 2-3). I won't lie to you...he does miss hanging out with his friends all day but doesn't miss school. He is always trying to get me to homeschool all his friends so they can hang out all day!

    One of the best benefits for us is that my children get to follow their interests. My son loves taking things apart and seeing how they work, he just took several spare computer parts and made himself a computer that actually works. My daughter planted a garden over the summer with everything from sunflowers to peas. She used it like a science project while having lots of fun. My son does most of his work with the computer because he enjoys it.

    "is it faster?" That totally depends on the student. For my son, yes it is because he can breeze through what is easy for him but slow down if he hits a rut. For my daughter, we just take our time and move on when she's done and ready.

    The rules for homeschooling varies from state to state. For us, we have to fill out an "intent to homeschool" for at the Board of Education then send in an attendance form to them each month.

    My children both went to public school until my son's 5th grade year and my daughter's 3rd grade year. My son was in trouble every day but a straight A student. We found out that he has ADHD and was just bored crazy. My daughter was being left behind and we found out that she has ADD. Since pulling them out, both children have done wonderful.

    The school my son is supposed to go to now in 7th grade is horrible. Kids go to jail daily for fighting, drugs, and guns! There are gang rivalries in the school and it's 6th to 8th grade! Horrible!

    Check out this site for different types of homeschooling..

    Good luck with your paper!

  3. My mom wants me to answer you.

    1.  I like it much better thanmy old school.

    2.  We eat our lunch at Wendy's every day, I'm usually done at noon, I can go do things when there aren't 8 million other kids doing it, no lines at Disneyland.

    3.  It's REALLY faster.  We do an online school where you can test out of stuff if you pass an assessment with a 90 or more.

    4.  It's really a charter school.  Its a public school and they send you your own computer and it has attendance and tracks your grades with it.

    5.  I'm 10 and I've been doing this since the 2nd grade.  I'm in fourth now.  My mom says I can't give you my name, so call me something nice in your paper.

    6.  I love it!  I don't want to go back to regular school.  My brother does sometimes, but sometimes he doesn't, too.

    7.  We wanted to do it.  My mom was scared to do it, but she wanted to try it because my teacher was wierd and was mean to me.  My brother always wanted to homeschool every year whenever he didn't agree with his teachers or the yard duties were n***s.

    8.  My brother's friends were mean about it, so sometimes he thinks he should go back, but then he thinks if there are more kids like them, he doesn't want ot go back.  Plus, he gets done before I do if his math is easy and he doesn't have a paper to write.  I never want to go back!!!!!!  We get to travel a lot and go shopping when the mall opens and it's not crowded.  My mom is the most fun person in the world.

  4. From my son:

    1. is it a good thing or bad thing?

    ** It's an awesome thing!

    2. what r the benefits you get from it?

    ** Studying at my own pace in school work.  Having time to study what I like the rest of the day.

    3. is it faster?

    ** I'm starting high school and college courses within a year - what do you think?  I'm 9.

    ** You can go at your own pace without waiting for everyone else in the class to catch up.  On the flip side, if you get "behind", you just take more time to really learn stuff.

    4. what has to be done to make it count as real school?

    ** Nothing in our state.  It *is* real school.  Our state sees us as a non-accredited private school.  I do take yearly standardized exams just for the fun of it.

    5.whats your name and age?

    ** No name.  9 you like it?

    I LOVE IT!  I don't ever want to go to school in a building other than my co-op classes (in a former parochial school building).

    7.was it something you wanted or forced todo? and last

    ** I was four when we started.  I wanted to because preschool was sooooo boring.  We started my curriculum in April right after I turned five.  I was still in preschool, but we did HS'ing work in the afternoons.  I was doing some 2nd grade work then. you ever wish to go to a public school?

    No, no, NO!  My sister goes to a public school and when I go there I hate it!  Also, PS kids drive me crazy!!!  They bully me, don't pay attention at scout meetings, and disrespect people.  My HS'ing friends are respectful and nice and helpful and never say anything unkind.

  5. 1.bad-unless you have lots of friends from other areas in your life 2.more free time 3.yes i graduated a year earlier and i am sure you could graduate even faster if you applied yourself may still have to take a course or two at a real school - like driver's ed 5.kristine 29 6. yeah it was ok 7.both - my parents encouraged it and what kid WANTS to go to school at that age?! 8.i wish i had, yes  MY ComMents: Home school is a good thing as long as you are socialized with other people your age, allowed to take part in extra curricular activities and honestly TAUGHT by someone who can play the part of a teacher - some home schools, like mine, just sent the books and tests so every test I took was open book if I chose...  Home school can help alleviate a lot of peer pressure and what not but eventually a person has to face the real world and sometimes those who are home schooled are nieve in that area

  6. 1. Its a good thing kids get a better education and they are not suffering the peer pressure their public or private school counterpart have to go through.

    2. The benefits are endless to name a few no peer pressure, Better education (because you have one on one attention), less time doing school work (the school day last for 8 hours for public school and 3-5 hours for the typical home school), the ability to change if the program you are using isn't working for the kids( we've changed 2 subjects so far this year because my daughter was having trouble understanding the program we were using)

    3. Most kids graduate about the same time as others but there is the exception to the rule that some graduate at 15 or 16 and then go on to college. Also the days are typically 3-4 hours instead of 8

    4.You have to follow the laws of the state and teach certain things just like in public or private school. After you high school you get a diploma just like public schools. We do Math English social studies science literature spelling and unlike public schools we teach Bible. In public schools God's word is practically illegal.

    5. Lisa (mom) 29, Skylar 9 and Adam 5

    6.Yes they like it and both would rather be home schooled

    7. We talked about it before we pulled them out and they were excited about it. Then some other things happened that made me pull them out faster than we had anticipated.

    8. No they hated public school and they love home school.

    I hope my answers are acceptable to you since they come from the mom/teacher. Good luck with your paper

  7. 1. is it a good thing or bad thing? I think it's a really good thing for me,  but I don't think it would work well for everyone.  

    2. what r the benefits you get from it?It enables me to learn at my own pace and really delve into what I'm interested in.  

    3. is it faster? In some ways yes.  I don't have to sit in class listening to a teacher explain something I may already know.  

    4. what has to be done to make it count as real school? I have to do mostly the same subjects as the public schoolers and take tests at the end of the year that show my progress.  

    5.whats your name and age? Kale, 15 you like it? I do :D

    7.was it something you wanted or forced todo? I've been home schooled since kindergarten so I didn't really have a choice,  but it's not like I wanted to do anything else at the time ( I was 4!). you ever wish to go to a public school?   I used to,  but I got the point where I really enjoyed being homeschooled and decided to stick it out.

  8. 1) Good thing

    2) A proper education instead of just being taught how to pass exams; I get to stay at home and help my parents out around here; I get to grow up within my own community & my own culture.

    3) Definitely - I did go to school once for 5 weeks and I could not believe how much time is wasted on things that are totally irrelevant.

    4) We're unschoolers so we're not trying to "make it count as real school".

    5) Hannah, I'm 15.

    6) Absolutely

    7) Until year 7, kids up here are 'forced', by circumstances, to homeschool. It's homeschooling or no schooling cuz there are no schools where we live. I could have gone away to boarding school after year 7 but I chose not to.

    8) No...that's not an option anyway as the closest high school is a 16 hour drive from my house.

  9. I was home schooled when I was younger. I'm now in university.

    Can I still answer?


    For me personally it was a good thing.


    One on  one training. I was able to tune unto things I loved and have extra tutoring for my week areas.


    It can be.


    That depends on where you live. For me my mother had to get a certificate that stated she was a legitimate teacher.


    My nickname is ' Bo'. I just turned eighteen years old.

    Yeeeeah babbby!! :P


    I loved it!


    When I was a kid my parents made the decision.

    When I got old enough I did.


    At times I wanted to go to a private school. My parents agreed and I would go in, only to beg for them to take me out soon after. Not only did my academic achievements go down, but so did my social life. All in all, I'll be forever grateful that I was home schooled.

    Your welcome!!

  10. 1. Good thing for my family! Though it really DOES depend on the family.

    2. I learned how to be an independent learner/thinker. Things that challenge other students in class (I'm not in college) don't worry me so much because I feel I can go home and handle my homework-- I'm used to working at home!

    3. Faster? My goal was never to graduate early. I don't waste precious time in lunch lines though.

    4. Varies from state to state.

    5. Kiki, 18.

    6. I'm no longer homeschooled (graduated) but yes, I really did.

    7. I wanted to be homeschooled.

    8. I did for a time right before Jr. High. I thought I was missing out but in reality I realize I'm so greatful for the things I "missed out" on.

  11. Hi,

    I home school my son, so I will answer your questions to the best of my ability. :-)

    1. is it a good thing or bad thing? Yes provided that you are actually teaching your child.

    2. what r the benefits you get from it? One on one teaching/learning - you learn your skills before you move on - no matter what - unlike public school.

    3. is it faster? Not necessarily - depends on student

    4. what has to be done to make it count as real school? It depends on what state you live in, as to the rules you must follow. In my state you must meet the academic equivalent taught in local schools.

    5.whats your name and age? My son is 14. you like it? Yes, he likes it.

    7.was it something you wanted or forced to do? My son has aways had a choice, he prefers home schooling.

    and last you ever wish to go to a public school?  No, he does not like the behavior he sees in his peers at activities he participates in.

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