
Is anyone out there homeschooling there child? my son is 10 and im thinking about it. what are the pros, cons?

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Is anyone out there homeschooling there child? my son is 10 and im thinking about it. what are the pros, cons?




  1. I homeschooled and unschooled my kids for a little over a year, and now they are in public school so I know what it's like for both.


    Freedom in schedule

    You can provide one on one tutoring with your child which is proven to be the best type of education someone can receive.

    Instead of having your child be average at everything, you can single out the things that your child has a real interest in and build on it, so he/she can be really excellent at something.  Public schools tend to focus on the negative.  If your child is getting a bad grade, it's a drop everything approach to try to get that child to an acceptable grade.  The A's and B's sometimes get overlooked.  

    The areas that your child is excelling in are the things that are of interest to him that he can build on and expand in his knowledge on and they are the things that will stick with him.  If your child hates something, but is required to do it anyway, it's counterproductive, because he will not only resent being made to do it, but he will also choose not to remember what he's learning.

    You can teach him in the way that he learns the best.

    People say socialization, but this is actually opposite.  Homeschooling guarantees that your child is not put into a group with kids ONLY his own age.  You can provide people of all ages for him to interact with, which gives him a broader scope.  

    You will come to understand more about your child and how he learns and more about his interests than you knew before.

    You are creating more one on one time for you and your child.


    You have to be on top of it and somewhat organized as to what you will have them work on, what the state requires, what  they 'should be' learning for their age and if it's appropriate.

    Somedays are really hard and may really try your patience.

  2. it can be good, and it can be bad!! homeschool lets you have more personal time with your child, amke sure he/she is getting the right attention that they need for school work. homeschool also makes them miss out on school sports, dances, plays, and friends. ask your son if he wants to be homeschooled. tell him the pros and cons, let him decide. if you do it without his consent, he will be angry with you for taking him away from his friends.

  3. I homeschool my 11 year old son and 7 year old daughter, neither have ever spent a whole year in public school.

    pros: you get to spend more time with your children, you know what they are learning and teach what they really need. you move at their pace and success rates are outstanding compared to public school. You live by your families time frame not the governments. You get to enjoy sports, dances, clubs, groups, and all other activities that other kids do, usually during the day and usually for free. Parents support each other and help with resources of all types when needed.

    Cons: You must be patient. All materials are out of pocket which can add up. You have alot of inexperienced people thinking you are making a mistake.

    Every responsible parent already homeschools their child, in some form or another, so why wouldn't you want to mold your child's academic education too? There are no arguments out there against homeschooling that can't be challenged by an equally stable argument for it. Go for it and good luck. Email me if you want to talk more.

  4. Let me see..  Homeschooling could be convenient along with cyber school etc.


    *You can move at your own pace.

    * you dont get caught up in all the regular c**p!


    *the regular c**p is apart of life.

    *often a persons personality is what gets them through school..

    Seeing as he's 10, it might not hurt for maybe a few years till 12 maybe?.  But i realy do belive that he need teen interactions as after teenage hood come ADULT HOOD.

  5. it depends on what kind of homeschooling you r talking about. My nephew and cousin are both doing ECOT, which is online. My cousin is not motivated and will get his GED after his second try at his freshman or sophmore year. He was constantly a semester behind because he just didn't have anyone pushing him to make his deadlines. My nephew is 8 years old, and has been doing ECOT for almost 18 moths now. He also will lie and cheat, and do anything to NOT do his work. I just don't think either one of them has the mindset for it. My son is 12, and my husband wants to maybe bring him home to homeschool. the only problem is that I have a life and 2 other kids. I cannot stand over my son to make sure he isn't playing online games instead of research.

    If your child can stick to a schedule, and be a self starter, and you have nothing else to do it might be an option for your child and your family.

  6. Pros. you know what your children are learning. You get to spend a lot of time with them and grow together. Very flexible schedule and learning styles. Able to travel and do things when other children are in school. I love the time with my children and the relationship I have built with them.

    Cons. You need to be organized. And able to be both parent and teacher. You need to put together a good curriculum appropriate for your child. Be very patient. Need to connect with other homeschooling families for support and involve your child in activities outside of the home. Like soccer, baseball, etc.

    I am definitely glad I homeschool. Some of my kids are now in public school. I would talk to your son and see what he wants to do. You should work as a team with whatever you decide. Good luck.

  7. sorry but that is a waste,the child will not learn social skills.

    Kids are cruel but a fact of life and if your child does not learn how to deal with this,he will be in for a big surprise when he gets out in the real world !

  8. Well I'm homeschooling right now (like I'm getting homeschooled) and the pros are: Close to syblings better grades 1on 1 attention lunch at home wear p js all day make new friends take lazy days, go to the park, zoo etc.

    Cons: lossed contact with friends lonelyness boredness inexperience for when u grow up andyour kids ask for advise about school

  9. hi! im 10 too and im home schooled it is soo great i think you should he'd love it!

  10. my mom homeschooled me and my siblings for like seven years.

    pros: ur closer to ur family. you can move at ur own pace. peer pressure isn't as bad.

    cons: maybe a little too close with ur family. harder to make friends.

    at the time i liked being homeschooled, but now that i am in regular school, i kinda wish i was never homeschooled.

    if you do decide to homeschool, you should get together with other homeschooled families. every friday i'd go to the YMCA, and we'd have like classes that the moms taught. like swimming, scrapbooking, karatey (probably spelled wrong)

    good luck!

  11. My brother and his wife are homeschooling all 9 of their kids, and they have  done really well. As they reach highschool age, they are enrolled in the Military school (where my brother teaches0  for computer classes, or to join the track or soccer team. Because they are fortunate to live in Europe, they take "field trips" with other homeschoolers to Paris to the Louve, or to other places that they study up on first before they go.....who wouldn't want to be homeschooled? If your child isnt getting enough out of the public school, and can learn from you, and study on his own, I would home school. My kids are all out of school now, and I wish I would have tried it when they were little.

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