
Is anyone out there in a position to get me sponsorships or golf balls for my charity's golf fund raiser?

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Big Brothers Big Sisters began in 1904 when Ernest Coulter, a court clerk from New York City, began New York Big Brothers to help bring guidance into the lives of children caught up in the juvenile court system. This small organization would later become Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Today, Big Brothers Big Sisters serves primarily as a preventative program, working to keep at-risk children from becoming a statistic.

With an emphasis on quality and long-term support, Big Brothers Big Sisters has a significant impact on youth. In the first national study on the impact of mentoring, young teenagers paired with a Big Brother or Big Sister for about a year, when compared with peers, were found to be:

 46% less likely to initiate illegal drug use

 27% less likely to begin using alcohol

 52% less likely to skip school

 37% less likely to skip a class

 more confident of their performance at school

 a third less likely to hit someone

Please Help!





  1. You need to speak to local businesses with ties to the community. They are all about sponsoring these types of events. Fishing for random sponsorship on the internet will not get you anywhere.

  2. Go to your local municipal golf course. Usually each town has one. But if yours doesn't just go to any local course and ask for the pro. The club pro will be able to point you in the right direction. Or you could go to a large golf emporium like d**k's or Golf Galaxy, they sponsor all kinds of events and the manager there could also get you pointed in the right direction.

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