
Is anyone quite as plastered as me?

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Being the bank holiday, I've decided to pretend tonight is Saturday. I've had some quite horrendous amounts of gin, champagne and red wine. Anyone else with me? I'm having a bloody fantastic time.

I imagine I shall feel like a pig has defecated in my head tomorrow morning, but nevermind!




  1. not me. i was last nite tho. had gr8 fun. enjoy yoself

  2. Not yet, but i am on my way, keep going good buddy  

  3. superb question the best so far i drink my stella to you and sod the result

  4. You go ralph I just had a bottle of verve curve champers and a few vodkas i have also ate all the s****. snacks in the house so tomorrow I will have a hangover and a fat day but who cares its a bank holiday  

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