
Is anyone sending their child to the hoosier academy in indiana thats of ethnic background, ?

by  |  earlier

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I don't want to offend anyone but I wanted to know because I'm sending my son and he is of mixed race and I wanted to make sure he is able to be around all kinds of backgrounds.




  1. Indy is pretty tite, but get to far north or south and you got some wack jobs. (Not all though, not gonna say all). I would stick with Indianapolis, or get some info from people who live in the place you are looking to send your child.

  2. well i live in southern indiana and go to a public school. I am east indian and probably only one of a few there. I would say alot of people in my school have biased opinions of opposite races but dont worry alot of people are friendly and tend to accept you for who you are.  

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