
Is anyone shocked that Obama picked Biden?

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middle of the road white guy - seemed pretty predictable to me at least.




  1. Biden 33 years of experience on the Foreign Relations committee then why are we voting for Obama?  Shouldn`t Biden be President and the inexperienced guy be the VP.

  2. I'm not shocked.  Biden is an excellent choice.

  3. It's no surprise that he picks a inexperienced VP.  This is a perfect example of  the blind leading the blind.

  4. Did I miss something?  I thought his announcement wasn't to be made until late morning.  Seriously, has he picked Biden, or is that just an assumption?

  5. No....He'll stop Obama for saying stupid things and bring back his sorrow story for his wife and son dieing in a car accident.

    Obama wants the attention off him, but it's not going to happen.  Americans don't want a socialistic president.

  6. 33 years of experience on the Foreign Relations committee -- it seems like a perfect fit to me  

  7. I liked Hagel.

  8. I am.

    Hill must have said no.

  9. This is one of the most unmoderate moderates out there. I think he's a great choice.  Yeah, Hagel would have been a good choice too, but Biden is a powerhouse.  I even read about his history of gaffes.  Let me tell you, this guy is teflon.

    Obama/Biden is a seriously hot ticket.

  10. Nope.  Sounds like you don't know much about national politics.

  11. Middle of the

    Biden is in far off left field like Obama. It would have did him some good to pick a moderate middle of the road vp.

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