
Is anyone still disappointed?

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Ok, I know we are united now, but I can't help still feeling a little angry that Hillary lost the nomination and then wasn't even vetted for Vis even if he didn't want it, Is It just me, and if so how do I get over it.




  1. to believe it or not...the republicans did everything they can to get rid of Hillary and bring in Palin...which is kind of a bad thing for them

  2. Show your support for women everywhere and vote McCain/Palin  The dicscrimination and sexism stops here!


  3. I'm not united to anyone who is for Obama being president. I was for Hillary, I was a democrat until the dems nominated

    the empty suit Obama.

    I'm over it, I just registered to vote for McCain to cure myself.

    Just forget it, and vote for McCain.

  4. whats this we stuff?  She didn't win the nomination because not enough people voted for her.  plain and simple.  In addition she pissed off the DNC by not getting out of the race earlier and Obama hates her.  They didn't agree on much and they called each other every name in the book.  That is all supposed to be swept under the rug?  If she would have gotten more votes, then she would have gotten the nomination.  She got less votes and now she can go back to being a senator..../

  5. The fact you posted this question proves that you are not united....

  6. I took a look at McCain and found I agreed more with his views. Now the Republicans have a chance to have a woman on the ticket since Obama blew it.

    I think the Republicans are going to rally around Palin and fight the sexism. There have been a lot of sexist remarks made about her, but I think they will fight it, unlike the democrats who ignored it.

  7. Yes, I am still a little disappointed..........

    I really wanted Hilliary's Delegates to stand up at the convention and actually say...........

    "We cast our votes for.............HILLIARY!!!!"

    I was really rooting for a delegate COUP!

    Because it ain't OVER, til it's over.....and I really expected Hilliary to pull one last, all out, show stopping trick.

    But alas.....she didn' was very anti-climatic.

    I aslo think the better ticket might have been Hilliary, with Obama as THAT would have been KILLER.

    Joe Biden?

    Joe Biden????????????

    geeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz.........welllll... alright , I guess.......but.....

    again, I was expecting something SPECTACULAR from Obama......

    Joe Biden?    Is that all we get?      what a let down.,

    But they still get my vote.........because Palin is a JOKE!

  8. me too, obama drop the ball, he should have done right for the party

    i was for hillary, now im voteing mccain

  9. You can get over it by voting McCain!

  10. You need to get over it sweetie.  Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.  It's called life.  Plus, HRC dogged Obama out and then said she wanted him assassinated. Don't worry, your gurl will have a high powerful position in the Obama Administration. :P

  11. United? Please tell me how! I would have moved to Australia if she were to become the next president.

  12. No doubt, there are millions of Clinton supporters who are extremely disappointed.  However, we must put country ahead of party or person and vote for the candidate who most reflects our values and principles.  McCain has promised to continue the failed Bush legacy.  In selecting Sarah Palin as his VP candidate, he has shown that he has no problem pandering to the right-wing fringe, the party base, and a few disgruntled Hillary fans who weren't actually Democrats if they're considering McCain/Palin.  Senator Obama didn't choose Clinton as his VP candidate for pragmatic reasons, but he will probably appoint her to a top cabinet position or to the Supreme Court.  Please stay focused on what is best for our nation.  We need to have united front in order to change the direction that Bush's failed policies have manifested for 8 years and return to the Constitution and the Rule of Law.  

  13. I think the Democratic Party treated Hillary extremely unfair. I thinks it is such ashamed when Hillary has so much Political experience and fought so hard and tough in the Primary, and Sarah "Walton" walks right into the VP ticket. What an insult to her.

    That is why I will NOT vote for McCain and Palin, I think it would be an insult to Hillary.

  14. Well if you are still disappointed that is your perogative. However, it's time to move on and focus on the present.

  15. Yes, you'll have to get over it.  She can always run again, but it is the winner's right to decide who becomes VP.  They have a lot of help in this decision, true, but he won.  Unfortunately, it's not just you, but this applies for all of the people who felt strongly about her candidacy.  

  16. I don't know what to say about the fact that she lost the nomination.  But I wouldn't grieve too much about the VP slot.  I can't imagine her being anybody's "number two."  Not at this point in her career.  

  17. If Hillary had not felt entitled, and behaved the way she did, she would not have lost so many supporters.  Like me, for instance.  As a conscious individual stated above, Barack came to her rescue by paying off her debt and calling her an inspiration to women after she desperately tried to convince the American public that he wasn't on McCain's level or on her level, and tried to smear him with false rumors and make him appear like less of a man when he did not return the favor.  I understand that it is a disappointment to lose a hero, but I believe you lost her when she began to behave this way.  As a matter of fact, the movie Sicko shows how she began engaging in corruption with the health industry who paid her to keep quiet on health care reforms.  Barack might have chosen her if she wouldn't have been too proud to be VP, and if she had not continued with the negative attacks to the end.  How would they stand up to the Republican spin masters like Karl Rove going out as a team when McCain is replaying Hillary's comments that denounce Obama and almost praise McCain.  As it stands, Obama is doing his best to heal the rifts in the party that the Clintons worsened, and so is she.      

  18. Well,you know it's hard,but like she said,you can't be stuck in the past. You have to keep going and move on. She also said that life is too short to worry about what if and what could be.

    I guess you can get over it by listening to her speeches.

    You can also write a letter to her if you want. You can still support her by supporting her as a Senator if you live in the state of New York.

    Hope that helps :D

    Also,Hillary Clinton is too good and too powerful to be anybody's Vice President.She probably wants a high cabinet position

    @ tt,that is such a ridiculous thing to say. She did not say that she wanted him assassinated. Way to skew her words. She made a huge mistake saying that,but she obviously meant that campaigns run for a long time. Seriously,just because you hate her doesn't give you the right to misinterpret her words

  19. Sure, I'm dissappointed...but Hillarys career is long from over...WE'll be hearing from her for probably 2 more decades...Close the chapter and vote for who supports your views closest

  20. I as an Obama supporter, since March, I have to admit I would have loved Hillary as the VP, But that is hindsight, with Palin on the Republican ticket it has become clear that a McCain Presidency would be all about catering to the extreme right, which can not be allowed to happen. McCain raised the stakes and now we need to be united more than before.

  21. I am still disappointed and am considering writing in Hillary Clinton on my ballot.  Most disturbing is that the GOP, once again, has out foxed the DNC by placing Palin on the ticket.

    How to get over it-I wish I knew.  No matter the outcome I am planning a fabulous foreign vacation in December, hope it works.

  22. i have a feeling hillary will have a great position to actually get stuff done.  

    it's more important to get a democrat in the white house than carry a grudge.

  23. You respect the party and its values and vote for your unanimously slated democratic nominee, Obama.  That way you'll also respect Hillary's wishes that her supporters cast a vote for ideals and a platform, rather than a particular person. That is what elections should be about.  

    How do you spell relief from flawed economic, social, and foreign polices and endless warmongering?  O-B-A-M-A.  Remember that at the polls.

  24. No.  It's time for dem party to united and beat the republicans.  Hillary will land on her feet.  We haven't heard the last of HRC. :]

  25. By believing that things happen for a reason!

    In 4 years Hilliary will run again and be one of the most successful presidents in history.

    I'm an Obama supporter and would have loved a Hilliary/Obama or Obama/Hillary ticket.  But, I think that whoever wins this election will have four hard years ahead of them, cleaning up Bush's mess.  During these four years, the president is going to be blamed for all of the fall outs in the country.  As the new president tries to develop new policies/programs (that's going to take awhile before any benefits can be seen), Obama or McCain is going to blamed.

    Once Obama or McCain is gone, and will have had a chance to be wiped clean and new policies will have had a chance to take root.  This is when and why Hilliary will shine.


  26. I really like her, too.

    this is what I think - she can still go for commander in chief later  - she is young and just getting going.  

    when obama wins, he will appoint her in some high-ranking cabinet position.  i could totally see her as sec. of state.  I think she has a huge future ahead of her, and beeing veep to obama wasn't right for her.

    vote obama!

  27. Hillary's loss has more to do with her supporters over confidence than anything Obama did.  They were so sure she had it in the bag, many of them crossed over to vote as Republicans for McCain in the early part of the primary.  That got McCain for them (their choice for Hillary to run against) but it also handed the early victories to Obama.  Later on she won almost every primary but with the odd way delegates are awarded she could never overcome Obama's lead.  She would win in a State and Obama would get nearly as many delegates as she did out of it.  

    However, it was Obama who did not select Hillary to be his running mate and that was just plain mean and will probably cost him the race.  Poetic justice, to be sure.  The Obama camp figures you will get over it, so they don't even reach out for you.  Look at the answers they post.  Like the problem is you or something.


  28. Barack spoke to Hillary first before anyone else.  She told him that she did not want to go through the vetting process unless he promised her that she would get the job, and that was a promise he could not make at that time.  She was concerned that some of Bill's post-presidential activities would come to light.  So they agreed she would not be vetted at that time.

    The other thing I would like you to think about is this:  The VP spot was nowhere near good enough for Hillary.  It is a somewhat unimportant job.  I would like to see Barack appoint her as a Supreme Court justice.  She would be great in that role.  Or maybe there's another position she would like better.  I am hoping that he will find a really good use for her intelligence and skills.  Her political career is nowhere near the end.  Assume that things happen for a reason, and that there is something even better waiting for her.

  29. No, what's done is done; she lost.

    I wouldn't jump on the McCain/Palin bandwagon.

    HRC has paved the way and Palin just so happened to appear.

    If anyone deserves to be a female in the White House, it's HRC.

    Support Obama; McCain has underestimated Hillary supporters by thinking as long as his running mate is a female, HRC supporters will just automatically vote for her.

    Sorry, but she is NO Hillary. Prove John McCain wrong.

  30. she lost fair and square....ironically, that is a concept she is unfamiliar with.

  31. she probably didn't go for the VP because she has her eyes on a more powerful position.

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