
Is anyone surprised by the I.O.C. coverup?

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For some reason no body who works for the International Olympic Committee has ever heard of China, Never met a Chinese government official or even heard of Tienanmen Square!! That's the only explanation that makes sense! After all if you just crawled out from under a rock after 4000 years you would have no idea what China was about either! Of course where did the Olympic committee find all these under rock dwellers? The fact that the Chinese government lied to the I.O.C. is NO SURPRISE, they lie to there own people on a daily basis why should the rest of the World be any different? BUT why is the Olympic committee acting like the Chinese government would never do anything like that?




  1. Sure?

    There was a cover up?

    Look in the real world.

    Who is not doing their home-works?

    Don't they watch documentaries or news on China?

    Did they ever ask them?

    On who is competing?

    Should they blame them?

    How can others know what they did'nt know?

    Now what will happen to the little ones out there?

    Who mess them up with self lack of knowledge?

    Or was it they were behind time?

    Must be hanging upside down.

    Still living in caves in different time zone.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  2. sorry, john.  The 112th IOC meeting held on 13th july, 2001 at moscow with its 124 members , has awarded the olympics 2008 to china after an exhaustive ballot.  The china succeeded to get the olympics through ballot.  The chinese govt promoted the games and invested heavily.  you see, the ''Bird's nest'' construction began from 2003.  There was competition for the host countries in which china succeeded.  it was not an individual decision.  it is the decision of IOC board.

  3. Becuase they are all on a huge fcuking gravy train.That's why.

  4. I coulda given the outcome before the 'investigation' began.

    No one went out and 'researched' any data or documents, they just called up the chinese good old boy network and asked, "Is she really 16? You promise, on your honor? Good enough for us."

    I've seen better cover ups by the NCAA investigating Reggie Bush at USC...

    Oh and in honor of the Host presented by Montey Pythons Flying Circus....

    "I Like Chinese.....

    "I like Chinese....

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