I am...my husband, early on in our marriage, came home one day & told me that he didn't love me anymore. I don't blame him, it was how he felt. I was a terrible communicator, and we lived more as roommates who had nothing in common. I moved out immediately, and we started divorce proceedings, and not known to me until later, he started seeing a woman he worked with. After he thought I was seeing someone else, he wanted to give it another try & then we went away for the weekend, where he dropped the bomb. Well, through all that we learned to communicate better, became better friends, and we have been married for 6 more years since all that. It worked out for the best & all because he cheated. I don't consider this cheating, after telling me he wanted a divorce, I could not expect fidelity, but technically it is. I now consider him about the best person I know, I don't think we would have gotten to this point if not for the other woman.
Anyone else thankful for a cheat?