
Is anyone thankful they were cheated on?

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I husband, early on in our marriage, came home one day & told me that he didn't love me anymore. I don't blame him, it was how he felt. I was a terrible communicator, and we lived more as roommates who had nothing in common. I moved out immediately, and we started divorce proceedings, and not known to me until later, he started seeing a woman he worked with. After he thought I was seeing someone else, he wanted to give it another try & then we went away for the weekend, where he dropped the bomb. Well, through all that we learned to communicate better, became better friends, and we have been married for 6 more years since all that. It worked out for the best & all because he cheated. I don't consider this cheating, after telling me he wanted a divorce, I could not expect fidelity, but technically it is. I now consider him about the best person I know, I don't think we would have gotten to this point if not for the other woman.

Anyone else thankful for a cheat?




  1. Yes - in the end he left me for her and I was finally free!

    Life is great now.  

  2. yes and no, the hurt of being cheated on was hard to get past but my relationship is where it needs to be since he thought he was going to loose me

  3. Amen, I am so glad that I did not marry me cheating daughter's father. The person that he finally did marry is probably sorry that she fell for his sweet talk.

  4. In many ways, I am thankful that my husband cheated on me.  I had been so involved with the kids (4) that I was neglecting him and although that is not a reason to cheat, I can understand how he would seek someone else to make him feel understood and important.  When he cheated, it was an eye-opener for me and I realized, maybe for the first time, how much I really did love him. I actually felt sorry for him, because I knew he was making a humongous mistake.  Don't get me wrong, this was the most painfiul thing I had ever gone through and I used to go out in the backyard and just scream in pain and frustration over it.  I am fully convinced that breakups can be worse than a death....True to form, when the affair he had burned out, he came back to me and I forgave him and took him back.  It took a lot of work on both our parts, but I am a better wife for it, as I do not take him for granted any more, nor he me.  It helped that he was and is very remorseful about it.  I think we both realize how fragile realationships really are, and how much work you really do need to put into a marriage.  I can honestly say that we love each other now more than we ever have----and it has been 32 years.  

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