
Is anyone thinking about removing your testicles if your favorite team wins it all?

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Has anyone heard the story about the Welsh rugby fan who removed his own testicles after his team beat England? I thought people do bad things when their team loses, not when it actually wins? More riots seem to occur when the team wins. Very strange.




  1. I heard a rumour that Welsh guy is actually here on Yahoo Answers!!!  I heard the whole experience has turned him a bit cuckoo and he's actually a village idiot now.

    It can be expected though since Wales hardly ever wins anything so extreme actions can occur when the impossible happens.

  2. Yea mate , I remember that , what a dork he was ....But I guess what you say is right ...they should do bad things when they lose ,  but Wales fans don`t  get too many wins , so it would be a special occasion for them ..

    The reason more riots happen when teams win ,is cos they all get drunk to celebrate.

  3. lol cant say I have heard that one! - oh my, *blush* hey.... I would probably die of fright if I found some hanging from this body!! lol.... oh but I have a knife at the ready for anyone who is near me should the ABs win.... or loose..... lets watch a game together yeah!.... lol

  4. h**l NO

  5. haha the rioting comment reminds me of something......

    after a football team loses their fans get angry and rip apart the trains when they are travelling back home again. If their team wins they get all excited and destroy the trains as they celebrate. So either way the rioting fans are going to create havoc and ruin the trains.

    This is why plenty of train services put out their old trains during a big football game.....

  6. LOL to HAWKEYE....(OMG).......(Even give the poor sod TU!)

    I removed my nipples after the very same game..............;)

    it was not as bad as reported............he was a ram...male sheep!

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