
Is anyone tired of Joe Buck announcing ball games?

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I can't stand the way Joe Buck announces. He's been trying to follow in his father's footsteps for over a decade now and he's just horrible.

He talks like a robot and tries to make silly stupid jokes. Terrible just terrible.

I am so lucky that I live in Los Angeles and get to listen to Vin Scully's voice everyday. :)




  1. Well if you don't like a certain announcer, put the tv on mute cause that's what I do & I don't need to hear commentary when watching a game

  2. i hate his vioce

  3. i think he good not great but good

    i like mike shannon!

  4. Joe Buck is a great announcer.

  5. Joe Buck and Tim McCarver are two of the worst announcers ever - and they have Cardinal connections (Jack Buck, and McCarver was a former Cardinal). Jack would surely be disappointed at his kid I'm sure.

  6. not at all when the NYY are playing on  FOX I love his voice and today hes not on????

  7. He's a pompous gas blowing blowhole.  

  8. joe buck has a lot to live up to, his dad being one of the all-time best, but NO!!!, he's a great annoncer!

  9. Vin Scully is the best man.

    Buck is ok, he just needs to stick with baseball.

  10. i don't really notice when he's telling a joke until he's laughing. but i like buck's voice, it gets me into that playoff mode whenever he announces games and i think he's done a great job.

  11. I agree with you. I hate listening to him. I would much rather listen to my team's announcers. Joe Buck has no emotion, and he doesn't even bother to learn how to pronounce some players' names (for example, he wasn't even close in his pronunciation of my team's pitcher Jair Jurrjens).

  12. I have to agree with you.   Technically he is a good announcer and has the voice and all but I just find him to be a ignorant ***.  Scully is a legend and Buck to me is just a silver spooned *** that got lucky in life.  I really doubt that he had to work that hard to get where he is now.  Looks like he would know how to kiss the right asses to have gotten this far.

  13. I don't like him either.  

  14. Joe buck is pretty good at announcing, but i'll tell you who's even better... Ken Rosenthal! Although he's only an analyst he should be an announcer because he knows everything about the game.... Just be thankful that Joe Buck is no Joe Morgan or Jon Miller because every time i want to watch the ESPN game of the week or play MLB 2K8 I wanna puke because of those two schmelts announcing

  15. i dont really have a problem with him,  but when joe buck or any announcer refers to the anaheim angels as  los angeles, well that really makes my blood boil because in los angeles we already have a baseball team, theres probably stupid people out there who really think the anaheim angels represent los angeles, well THEY DONT !!!!!!!!!!

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